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bld 25

mach 5 maw vs other subs

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Hello, i have been hearing many good things about the MAW subs, but i would like to know how they compare to other subs.

I have owned INfinity kappa perfects, Perfect VQ, ED K series(original, and v2), and currently i am running an SS RLP 12. How does the output compare to these and others such as IDQ, or the current ED k series, since those can also run in small boxes for a 15.

Also, since the Qts is so small on the MAW 15, can it run in a smaller box than the 2.2 sealed and 3.0 ported with good results?

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A few months ago, someone did a heads up comparo MAW-15 vs. IDQ, and the MAW beat the IDQ in the IDQ's box, both in SQ and output.

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I've read that alot of people have been buying the Maw line of drivers over Infinity, Rockford, Pioneer, kenwood, ect.. The maw's just blow those others out of the water both money wise and with output that sounds great and gets loud..


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