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Port Question..

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Ok I've been trying to do a lot of reading about the more technical side of audio. I was thinking about different styles of port and how they effect the output of the box.

So on to my main question. What if you had a circular port that started off small and grew into a larger diameter. Say it begins as a 3" port and ends up say a 10" port (pulling numbers out of my butt) What advantages or disadvantages would this have?? If you think about it wouldn't it make it louder?? When you helling into a cone your louder, or when you cup your hands around you mouth your voice is louder then without. Wouldn't the same apply for car audio applications???

Any informative incite would be appreciated!!


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Has anyone here ever tried something like this??? Right now I'm spending a lot of time here..


Learning about TL and quarter way theory. I thinking about building something like the TQWP and testing it see how changes in length, and width effect the output. This probably won't be anytime soon but in a couple months maybe. It'll take me that long to read all the way through the TL/1/4 wave theory stuff, lol.

Well wish me luck!


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