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my 10" fully loaded BL thoughts/buildup 56k warning

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well first off, i have had my BL about two weeks now and i love it, no problems what-soever with it, I have a sundown 1500D on it, and it takes it like a champ, I eventually want to put my cousins old school phoenix gold amp on that does around 2200 watts on it once i get a new alt and see how it likes it :coolugh:

here is how it arrived to my house


opened the package to see this


it is kinda crooked but all is well


here is my amp and sub


wire on the amp 2/0 welding wire


and here is where i ran it through the firewall, along with a 10AWG for my headunit and some 18AWG for my alarm


right here is my box design



1.2 cubes tuned to 32 Hz,

My first thoughts on it was i was really impressed, alottttt louder than my two 10's i had sealed in my truck off of 150 watts rofl, I was impressed with how good it sounded on rock music, and how loud it is on rap and whatnot. It moves tons of air just to be a 10"

pics of it installed i still need to take though

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