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btl recone

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yep, just gotta buy the basket and gasket along with the recone kit

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Is that for you guys to recone the sub, or the price of the kit? How much would the shipped price be for a BTL 18 recone kit, and what does that consist of? I've never reconed a sub before, so any details are a plus. Thanks.

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Depends on where you are...shipping is generally 15 bucks on a recone kit...18" recone is like 100 bucks iirc.

You'll get a drop in soft part assembly, all you have to do is glue the spiders and the surround down, and solder the tinsels to the terminals...and dustcap it.

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Oh, I don't go there.

The mods in that place are total pole smokers.

you do realize most of the mods there are also mods/members here, right?

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