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amperage draw of the saz-1500D

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hey i saw the amp has 4x40 amp fuses. i have also talked to a couple sundown guys who say you can get 2500 rms at .5 ohms with 14 volts. i dont understand how you can get 2500 watts from 160 amp's ?? because 160 X 14.4 and 85% efficiency equals 1958 watts i dont doubt that the amp puts out the power i just would like an explination why

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Fuses don't blow immediatly when you exceed their current capacity. They take a while to blow and generally will handle a fair amount more than rated current.

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Jacob, like all other amp manufacturer's uses fuses for a reason, to help to save the amp in the case of misuse. Some amps can do more than their fuses add up to, internal capacitors etc... But if Jacob put 60 amp fuses in their, than anyone who was trying to run the amp @.5 ohms and didnt have the electrical, well lets just say that even with the 40 amp fuses he had to end the .5 ohm coverage.

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