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MAW-12 and available subbox

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I was thinking about building a box, but just found one for my Mach 5 MAW-12 sub but am not sure how the sub will sound with the specs on the "Bassworx Box" http://hamilton.kijiji.ca/c-ViewAd?AdId=11...EPLY_TO_AD_SENT.

The specs for a MAW-12 recommended are 1.8cf for a ported box, and this Bassworx box seems to be a little bigger.

It looks like a good price, and would save me the hassle of building my first box.

What might it do for the sound of the sub? The perameters for the MAW-12 can be found on the Mach5 website http://www.mach5audio.com/index-2.html

I have space for it in my 1995 Impala SS and would be running it on a 250rms 5th channel MTX 895.5. I was looking to go 1 cuft for a tighter base but...this deal seemed to come along.

I'd rather build to spec if I had to.

Your help would be appreciated.

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It seems that your ad goes to a dead link. Do you know just how much bigger that box was?

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They could tell me much other than the size 15 x 15 x 22 with a slit port on the front of the pic(15 inches long and about 1-1.5 inches wide) with 3/4inch MDF...that's all. I figure with those measurements I'm somewhere in the vicinity of the spec but possibly over a little by half a cube.

Thanks for your help Mark.

Like I said before, I would rather build one if I had to spec, just will take me longer as I don't have the necessary tools. I could always buy the material I need, have Home Depot cut me the measurements and assemble at home.

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Those measurements are actually quite close to the suggested. If you can find out what the tuning of the box is that would be perfect. Ask them to verify the width of the port (is it 1" or 1.5") and the depth of it, we can determine what it is tuned to.



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Those measurements are actually quite close to the suggested. If you can find out what the tuning of the box is that would be perfect. Ask them to verify the width of the port (is it 1" or 1.5") and the depth of it, we can determine what it is tuned to.



I just called the gentleman and he said it was 14 inches long and 1 1/2 inches wide.

Try the link now, hopefully it works.http://hamilton.kijiji.ca/c-ViewAd?AdId=11...EPLY_TO_AD_SENT

Edited by SikSS

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It looks almost like particle board on the inside, but I'm not certain. The depth of the port doesn't look like it wraps around the back, so the tuning is quite high - ~40-45Hz.

If you decide to purchase this and use a MAW-12, you will end up with a pretty big peak at ~43Hz. That will certainly give you "authority" but could also provide you with sheer boom and muddy sound.

You can tailor things a bit to produce a more flat response if you don't like the quality first off. You can add something that will take up space within the box (a brick for example) - the result would be a higher roll-off, like about 50Hz or so.

Certainly not the best situation, but it will get you into the ballpark anyway...



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Thanks Mark!

I'll pass on it. I'd rather build one to suit the perameters associated with the sub. I'd rather not tinker.

I'll post down the road when I have some plans for more advice however on a ported box if that's the route I go.

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