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Fun night..

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Shame on you

If you say "Jensen" and "BTL" in the same post again I'm gonna hit up Walmart with $20 bucks, buy that boom stick just to slap you with it... Hell it'll probably say i "hit" a 129.8 on you LOL

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Why do I have a feeling the Wal*Mart boom stick would say a fart would do a 127?


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After seeing this thread i went a got on of these. I took it over to my cousins house to test it out. he has 2 10" clif dez subs in a 4 cu ft box tuned to about 35 hz with a 2 chan 1000w sony amp\w only 1 level setting being the "gain" no bass boost, no low pass frew ...gain only. I have 2 fi 15's in 7.5 cu ft box tuned to 33 hz with a hifonics 1500w amp\w every option know to man. If i would have know our setup's were hitting the same DB i would have went cheap!!!! <-- joke :-P Both systems maxed this thing out at 130 ...i know i am hitting over 130 ...and i dround out his system when i turn mine up so i know he is no where near!!!

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Shame on you

If you say "Jensen" and "BTL" in the same post again I'm gonna hit up Walmart with $20 bucks, buy that boom stick just to slap you with it... Hell it'll probably say i "hit" a 129.8 on you LOL

I tried to think of the worst 'mainstream' brand I could, would dual or boss have been better? ;) Yes, it probably would be over 129 on hitting me, because it's very consistant and I think a slap to the face is between 128-130. <--- sarcasm.

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Same Store getting some beer tonight.

Im sitting at the counter while the girl process's my Electric Bill, and i see some guy walk in, maybe mid 50's, wearing a suit, got a nice Escalade on factory 22's at the pump.

All of a sudden from behind me i hear him say, well if anyone steals your car, you can hear em pull away..(You could hear it inside pretty clear) I kinda chuckled and said yeah, I got my keys in my pocket and its locked(remote started/alarm). He said oh well it sounds really good.

Finally I turned to him and said, ya know, its not even turned up (I had it on about 10 for volume, it was playing a song with a bad bass line, and it was a dvd music video, so the sound isnt the best.) The bass just carries. When your in the car its perfect.

So he looks at me and says "You mean it gets louder??" I just laughed and said ohhh yea...

So he asks if he can hear it and of course I said yeah. Popped in Dem Jeans as I was hitting 139 with it on the TL, Rolled the Window up and cranked it to full tilt.

He just gave me this look. He said something but I couldn't hear chit.. So i turned it down and got out to talk to him, and he was like honestly, it sounds so good, I cant stand listening to those chit boxes drive by with every part of there car rattling, and ya cant hear the music. He shook my hand, said nice to meet ya and left...

I love cool old guys..Dont see many of them anymore...And it was nice to show off all the money I have into my complete system..instead of the people who just care about the bass

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