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Best car audio battery?

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I put a Deka Intimidator in the trunk a few months ago and have been very happy with it. G31...BIG battery.

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Another question...Why, if the alternator is 14.4v, is the battery 12v?

If the electronics can take 14.4v alternator power, they should be able to withstand a 14v battery. Does anyone make a large 14v battery?

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if the alternator and the battery were same voltage then the car would run off the battery and not the alternator.....

having the alternator at a higher voltage makes the car run off the alt and at the same time allows the battery to get fully charged every time...

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  dopey said:
14v batterys and 14.4v alternators

A 12 volt Alternator is capable of producing up to 15Volts

In virtually all automobiles, the charging system voltage is stated to be 12 volts. In reality, the voltage ranges from ~12 volts to ~14.5 volts...

The charging system in most cars will generally produce a voltage between 13.5 and 14.4 volts while the engine is running. It has to generate more voltage than the battery's rated voltage to overcome the internal resistance of the battery. The current needed to recharge the battery would not flow at all if the charging system's output voltage was the same as the battery voltage (if this were not the case the alternator would keep sending voltage to the battery with catastrophic results)..

As long as the engine is running and the alternator is working, all of the power for the accessories is delivered by the alternator. The battery is actually a load on the charging system (since this is when it usually recovers lost voltage). The only time that the battery would supply power with the engine running is when the current capacity of the alternator is exceeded or when engine is at a very low idle (sort of like a capacitors role in a audio system).

Edited by theabunai

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