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Rl-P15 In a Horn enclosure?

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I was wondering if anyone has used a rl-p 15 in a horn enclosure? this is for home audio... i wanted to try and build a horn enclosure for one, but so far what ive read it doesnt seem to be a suitable enclosure for this sub

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as far as some people told me, fs / qts should be as close or higher than 100.

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I was wondering if anyone has used a rl-p 15 in a horn enclosure? this is for home audio... i wanted to try and build a horn enclosure for one, but so far what ive read it doesnt seem to be a suitable enclosure for this sub

I think you will find it a little challenging to have a truly horn loaded enclosure, but a BVR (big vent reflex) should be pretty achievable for you. It maintains similarities in form to a horn but the function is slightly different; vent efficiency is quite impressive. Large format drivers can prove pretty challenging in your average home to achieve true horn loading at low frequencies.

Have a look through www.quarter-wave.com and see what you can pick up. MJK's work is not necessarily revolutionary, but highly impressive in that he has taken information interspersed through various knowledge bases and put it all to practical use in a highly accurate enclosure simulation CAD sheet.

Also check out www.diyaudio.com for some pretty impressive horn designs; keep in mind that they are primarily limited to midrange or higher use, due to the challenges I mentioned above.

To answer your original question, no, I have not, nor do I know of anyone who has. It might be a fun venture though ;)


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as far as some people told me, fs / qts should be as close or higher than 100.

If looking at the Efficiency Bandwidth Product, the appropriate formula to use is Fs/Qes. Fs already considers the mechanical parameters that using Qts would provide (being that Qes and Qms are the two parameters used to calculate Qts). Additionally, you'll find that Qts always falls extremely close to Qes, there's no real reason to utilize Qts in that formula.

As for how enclosure decisions fall into EBP, I would have to argue that perhaps it's time for a new rule. A lot of low Q, mid Fs drivers are proving to be much more versatile than they were ever given credit for.

The best thing you can do ultimately is to try your hand at a few different enclosures with any given sub and try to find one that you prefer sonically. If you're anal about sq, you'll likely end back at a sealed enclosure, IB, or OB at some point anyways ;)

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The best thing you can do ultimately is to try your hand at a few different enclosures with any given sub and try to find one that you prefer sonically. If you're anal about sq, you'll likely end back at a sealed enclosure, IB, or OB at some point anyways

*sniffle sniffle*


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I have taken a good like at the quater-wave site.. alot of information to take in.. i know that i would be able to built the enclosure, its just a matter of finding all the measurements :morning: .. but i mean i have read that as well that the EPB should be 130 or higher and the rl-p is around 55 or something with a low fs... maybe il just do a ported :\ .. thanks for the feedback

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thanks for the correction and the info Neil.


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