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Mike Troll

SQ Competition

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There used to be a few threads about things people were doing for SQ competition and some of the things each organization makes you have for max points in each category. I have a few questions about some of those things. I will be building based off of Usaci rules mainly because besides SBN (which offers Iasca as well) they have the most SQ comps in logical distances from me.

My first question is about Processors, crossovers and EQ's.

Do I need any of those three for max points or if I buy a HU that has all of those things built in will that count? If need be I will buy a cheaper HU and add something like the PPI-DCX730 as opposed to something like the Pioneer 880 or the Eclipse 8053 or 7000.

Second Question is alarms.

How basic of an alarm can I get away with? My car has passive locks and all that chit from the factory. Only thing it doesnt have is glass break and starter kill. Do I need a super fancy alarm or can I get away with a basic one?

Install is my final question...

I am in a trunk car which is why I am kind of shying away from SPL/Bass Race and I found a pic of what I want to do for my install but am a bit concerned about how it will sound.


This is a basic idea of what I want to do. The only difference is I was going to do a pair of tens or twelves (one on each side) and I wanted to build an amp rack and hang it upside down from the back deck. I also may do a false floor and put the amps behind plexi. I kind of need the pass through every now and again so I cant build a wall for the amps and block that off. I will get a pic of my trunk tomorrow and MS paint in my ideas for a better understanding.

Any and all help is appreciated from any and all.

Edited by Mike Troll

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follow the link below to answer question 1 about the crossover/eq and question 2 concerning the alarm http://www.soundoff.org/rules.htm select the format that you plan on competing in and you will find the answers.

as for the install pic...I have never seen or heard a car with that type of setup. most trunk cars,including myself, have the subs facing the rear of the trunk. if you have 2 seperate enclosures built, put them on each side in the back and see if you like it. if not, reposition the subs to another location. Hope this info helps!

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My car sounded pimp with the sub like that, but you really can't expect to nail anything right the first time. If you really want to win expect to build a bunch of boxes and pick the one that sounds best. In my book picking the cosmetic portion before testing the sound is a bit backwards.

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with the subs in the corner like that you're likely to experience cancellation. I'd use the corners for amp/processor mounting (and a false floor)

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My thing is that I kind of need my trunk....I read the Usaci rules and although the alram question was answered I was looking more at whether I need a fancy alarm to show off or if basic will get me all the points for that category. The crossover question wasnt answered in the detail I was looking for I guess. Ive heard of people loosing points for not having a crossover.

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  ///M5 said:
My car sounded pimp with the sub like that, but you really can't expect to nail anything right the first time. If you really want to win expect to build a bunch of boxes and pick the one that sounds best. In my book picking the cosmetic portion before testing the sound is a bit backwards.

Its not necessarily cosmetic for me so much as it is saving space and wanting to compete. But you are definately right it is a bit backwards

  vladd said:
with the subs in the corner like that you're likely to experience cancellation. I'd use the corners for amp/processor mounting (and a false floor)

False floor with the subs firing up or angled towards the trunk sounds promising....

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If you really want to win you can't let other factors decide what you want to do. If you want your car to have X and still compete it is a different story. Either way you need to define what your "true" plans are and move forward from there.

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My true plans are being able to keep my trunk for luggage and groceries and things like that and competing for the hell of it every now and then. I have no real expectations of becoming a full time competitor purely because when it comes to SQ there arent a whole lot of events close to me. and I am sure it will be like DB Drag with very little return on investment. But I would still like to follow the rules when building so if I do compete I dont lose points.

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  Mike Troll said:
The crossover question wasnt answered in the detail I was looking for I guess. Ive heard of people loosing points for not having a crossover.

I just read the rules, and there is no "requirement" for a crossover. the people that lost points probably did not have easy access to it or the installation was very poor so they lost points.

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  ragnaroksq said:
  Mike Troll said:
The crossover question wasnt answered in the detail I was looking for I guess. Ive heard of people loosing points for not having a crossover.

I just read the rules, and there is no "requirement" for a crossover. the people that lost points probably did not have easy access to it or the installation was very poor so they lost points.

Good to know! I guess I will find a HU with the better processing and skip the external crossover/eq

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Mike in my sq car i went the other way from a false floor. And loved it. Here is a pic of my old trunk:


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