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Wire needs

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Here is the planned system. 1995 s-10 blazer is the ride. High output alt (200-300 amp output). Yellow top optima up front. Two, for now, Kinetik khc2400 batteries in back. Four MA Audio hk802sx amplifiers. Two channel high current amps rated at 4400 watts RMS x1 @1ohm. We are guessing with full power behind them they will put out about 3500 watts each. Four FI Audio BL 15s. My question is this. Should a guy run two or four runs of 0 gauge wire to the back? Please explain why you say which one. I think two will work as the two of them can transfer around 600 amps through thier 13-14 foot lengths and that is about all that is available from the alt and battery on an average. My brother says we may need all four incase the system tries to pull all the amperage from the optima which I suppose could be around 900 amps on a hard short pull. What do you guys think? Thanks for the help, Lee

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why not compromise and use 3 all going into a buss bar in the back and then powering each amp off of that? 3 will cover your butt for the extra pull and be easier to run than 4 strands.

btw, i am in the process of a build log on a 96 jimmy/blazer (in the build log section) and i know how to disassemble the interior quite well in case you have any questions.

btw, where did you get your alt and for how much

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I would do four for safetys sake.

Have you ever heard of too much wire?

Only on voice coils, the tv show, and when running commo wire.


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