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Fi BTL Review

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Ford Tuarus, Orion 2500d,Extra batt,big 3(2ga), and running 2 ga from batts to dblock.

Low Volume Young jeezy- Air Forces and Kelis - Bossy. Both songs sound great a ton better then the R's i had. On Bossy the Bass was overwhelming for such a low volume i was pretty impressed.

Med. Volume Late Nite Tip and Oxy Cotton <all im gonna say. SQ was still maintained, car panneles/mirror was shakeing, just as loud as the PAIR of R's or close to it.At the same Volume.

High Volume(3/4) Oxy Cotton for about 10 seconds sense my voltage drops below 11...WowZers! still sounded great.

I couldnt imagine how this thing would perform with 3kwrms+ dailly. Sounds Great ,Hits the notes with authority.Verry well built.

A+ Great Job Fi.

Edited by DaGh0st

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