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AP Zoutes


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I've heard on another forum that ZED makes the CDT SQ amplifiers. Is this true? If it is true what kind of performance can I expect from these? Should I consider using these amps for my front stage over Rockford T line or Zapco reference line? and why?

Edited by AP Zoutes

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I've heard on another forum that ZED makes the CDT SQ amplifiers. Is this true? If it is true what kind of performance can I expect from these? Should I consider using these amps for my front stage over Rockford T line or Zapco reference line? and why?

Yes, ZED does make the CDT SQ amps. I've never spoken with Steve about these amps, but I expect the specs are very similar to the ZED lineup. Expect good, if not great performance from anything made by Steve Mantz. ZED-made amps provide some of the best value in the industry when looking at a price/performance/reliability standpoint.

I choose ZED.

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Zed does make the CDT amps. They look just like rebadged versions of the Zed amps and if I remember correctly the specs were very similar.

I would just buy the Zed amps and save some money since the CDT's are more expensive.

Edited by Audio Junkies

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Zed does make the CDT amps. They look just like rebadged versions of the Zed amps and if I remember correctly the specs were very similar.

I would just buy the Zed amps and save some money since the CDT's are more expensive.

Indedd they are the same amps. If you can still get the Zed amps if they are available you can save some money. Quality? Nothing better period! (hell I run Zapco in a SQ car ....for now)

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