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15" Q box questions...

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Ok, here's my question..FI is obviously amazing. I want one!!! I'm driving a 99 Malibu and I want to put a 15"Q in. I'm trying to decide if it's worth it for me to build an ABC box, a standard ported box, or possibly a CRX box. I want clean and loud...don't care about the complexity of an ABC as I find it fun. My only problem is that I deisng an ABC box at 3.5cu ft, 30 hz tune, with 50 sq in of port area. I'm not sure if taht's enough port area. I will be powering the sub with an MTX 6500d. Any help would be great!!!

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12-16 sq inches of port area per cubic foot of box = 41-56 sq inches of port.

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