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im getting an explorer XLT and im wandering how 4 18" q's sealed would do VS. 2 18" BTLs ported. which would get louder which would sound better? im thinkin that the Q's would win both scenarios but i thought id come here to see what everyone thinks...

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Well first off, the Q's need alot of airspace, probably a min. of 6 cubes, so thats gonna be a huge box to do 4 18"s. So i'd vote for 2 btl's loaded, and power 'em with something big... :OhYeah:

If 2 18" BTL's is not enough...I don't know what is :ughdunno:

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actually he said SEALED the 6 cubed would be for ported..

Sealed 18 would be around 4 cuft min.

If space isn't an issue you could do the 4 18 (more cone area more SPL, Q would also win out on the SQ IMHO)

If space is an issue you may want to go the other route...

Don't forget that power may also be a contributing factor here..

Edited by theabunai

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That will use up your entire cargo area, and I hope you have a good idea as to how much output 4 18's will have. Since I have an explorer, I would start with a pair of BL 15's ported, if you want more then see if you can fit 2 more.

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what year explorer

it would be tuff to cram 4 18s in there, that would be over 36" deep+box and mounting stuff, so about 37-38"

my 04' pnly has about 34" unless you sit the box all the way to the door on the hump, whihc wouldnt look right and window might not even close

i suck at describing, but cliff notes of it is that i dont think it would fit...

follow my setup, 2 18" BTLs is crazy

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In a properly built ported box the btl's should have more output than the q's. For a couple of reasons.

The btl can handle boatloads of power, ported boxes have more output, and the btl is made for spl.

The q's would still get crazy loud, but 2 btl's can handle 4 times the rms wattage than the 4 q's.

If you are going for output, than get 2 btl's and run either one amp per sub or one amp per coil. My suggestion would be about 4kw per sub.

If you were going with the q's it would definitely be cheaper. My suggestion would be 1 4kw amp (dd z1, rf 4kw etc etc....)

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