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If that is the case, just delete the post instead of posting like your me. Have some balls and delete the post if you don't like it instead of deleting my orginial post and posting Nope and all the other stuff that follows.

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We like to have fun around here.  Stick around, have some fun with us, and then post your stuff up for sale.

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I can do that. I may not post but i'm always in the build log thread looking for ideas for my truck. I'm a tall guy with a Dakota looking to see if I can come up with an enclosure where i can keep the baby seat in the back. I enjoy reading the stuff but just don't like when people do stuff like that, acting like their the God of Car Audio. Looking into either some 6.5s or maybe an 8". There are just so much options out there.


Also, I've been a member since 2013 or so, but i'm just now getting back into it.



Edited by big_way32

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I am short myself.  Just a hair over 6'7".  Makes things fun with car seats.


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7 hours ago, big_way32 said:

I can do that. I may not post but i'm always in the build log thread looking for ideas for my truck. I'm a tall guy with a Dakota looking to see if I can come up with an enclosure where i can keep the baby seat in the back. I enjoy reading the stuff but just don't like when people do stuff like that, acting like their the God of Car Audio. Looking into either some 6.5s or maybe an 8". There are just so much options out there.


Also, I've been a member since 2013 or so, but i'm just now getting back into it.



Nobody has acted like a god.  If that's your interpretation of what is going on here, you need to get a better grip on life.  Lighten up, and look at it for what it is.  I understand your feelings got hurt, but had you simply taken the time to read the rules, you could have foregone all this entirely.  Now, this may just be another forum to you, or another place to pawn your goods, but look at it from the perspective that we do.  This place was built with hard work.  IT's provided to us for free provided we play by the rules.  Many of us have been here since the beginning, nearly 20 years, and for someone to come in here just to make a buck is insulting.  This is a home of sorts to most of us who still use forums.  We will play in our house, by our rules and we expect our guests to do so as well.

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Yes my feelings was hurt :(. Lol. I've had this account since 2013 and I've been posting since there but have not in a long while. Not sure why u brought up your IT situation because I didn't think that I disrespected anyone here, and I never have. I understand why your sensitive about an "outsider" posting equipment in the forum and I've not been here for awhile but I thought that this was apart of what the forum was for. My mistake, i'll sell else where since it looks like I'm not welcome to here, I have no issues with that. Thanks for your post. Best to you guys. 

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You are welcome here.  We just have set the post minimum to sell items so people are not just using the forum to sell things.

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Put yourself in the mods shoes here.  When you post we see this:


Says Newbie.  Doesn't show join date, nor does it show how often you have searched.  Even if it showed joined in 2013, it could have been that once in 2013 you joined to try to sell gear and then left and just came back now to sell gear.

The classifieds on here reach an audience that expects that the seller is trustworthy.  Sure there are protection mechanisms put in place by companies that transfer money, but we do not support shady behavior.  With only 7 total posts (as of today) you fit in the "might be shady" category automatically by your profile.  Not at all implying you are, but this is what it can seem like to those that have nearly no time to make decisions.  

There is a boatload of information here.  We want you to read it, be a part of it, and even use the classifieds, but please understand why the rules are here and spend some time introducing yourself elsewhere on the forum to remove the automatic categorization.

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