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Weird issue?

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Hey new here. So i own a skar 1500.1d. Have it hooked up to a sundown sa10, and works great. One "issue" ive ran into is when i turn the bass knob halfway up it gets loud (obviously). But anywhere past that it doesnt seem to get any louder or gain any volume. Im confused as to why it does that. I have tuned everything with the SMD-DD1 properly so im confused atm. I had a thought that it might be because i tuned it at 0db but im playing -7.5db music. But technically speaking there shouldn't be a "cutoff" point in volume. Any feedback would be helpful. 

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When you tuned with your DD-1 where did you have your bass knob set to? I keep mine in the middle so I can have adjustment either up or down. 

Also possible this is a bad knob. With the car off, unplug the bass knob and plug it back in. Then try tuning again with bass knob set to middle of the road, use either 0db or -5db for conservative. 


Doesn't hurt to double check wiring to sub, make sure your subs reading the right resistance (probably 1 ohm - disconnect from amp to test).

How does it fare after all that? If you still have issues I'd contact Skar to see if they will warranty fulfill a replacement knob, if not they are 20$ on their site: https://www.skaraudio.com/collections/replacement-bass-knobs?gclid=CjwKCAiAob3vBRAUEiwAIbs5TrgMxVpiNtnGPGDy5msmP8K4yzvO1lev4R4LOdmvk5LLKk-Lme7xrBoCR2oQAvD_BwE


Another option is to ditch the factory knob and switch to a RCA knob like this: https://www.amazon.com/PAC-LC-1-Remote-Amplifier-Controller/dp/B0002J226O

Edited by Joshdashef

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Music is dynamic, two test tones are not.

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