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Ported Sundown truck box build

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Hello, So I just ordered 2 10" e series subs and I'm planning on putting them in my crew cab F250. There's not much room behind the rear seat. I've got 60" across the back, 8" deep at the bottom, tapering up to 1" at the top. 24" tall. The guys on the forum are saying I have about 2 cubic feet to play with. Just a few questions, I bought Sundowns because of the awesome reviews.  I was thinking of doing one smaller 1 cubic foot ported box behind the seat, and another 1 cubic foot ported box under the rear seat. Or would both 10s be ok in a single slim ( behind rear seat) box with about 2 cubic feet ported? Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

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* RMS Power = 500-watts | Xmax = 14mm one-way by 70% BL | Vented magnetic gap
* Vented pole piece with optimized geometry | Black Aluminum 2.5” voice coil former for superior heat dissipation | High Temperature 4-Layer copper voice coil wire
* Spring Loaded Terminals | Stitched-On “Mini-XL” Tinsel Leads to prevent fatigue and failure
* Box Recommendations: Sealed: 0.5 cu ft | Ported: 1.0 cu ft | Displacement: 0.11 ft^3 | Cutout Diameter: 8-7/8" | Outside Diameter: 10" | Depth: 5 5/8" | Recommended Tuning: 32hz | Recommended Port Area: 16 in^2

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 I personally would do them both in the same box, but just for simplicity of building.  The other reason is you would want the two enclosures to be relatively matched if you did them separate. 

 Keep in mind that the port itself will consume some of the volume. If you could run external ports, that would help keep the airspace.

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I can build a box but can you help me out with port specs? I'll build what you recommend. It's gonna be a wedge truck box with the two 10s behind the rear seat. I've got 60" across my cab, 8" deep at the bottom, 22" tall. Thanks for the help

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Ok so I just stopped in to talk to the owner at my local car audio shop. He recommended going with a down firing box under the back seat at 2.5 cubes, port in the center facing forward. Has anyone built one of these before on here? What size port dos y'all use? Thanks for any input

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 Down firing under the seat, ports forward would be a sweet setup.  I would recommend a flared tube port such as this. https://www.parts-express.com/precision-port-6-flared-port-tube-kit--268-354?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=pla&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIge66tdPv3QIVRdbACh1bZgHnEAQYAiABEgL_V_D_BwE

 Without doing the calculations I imagine you will need two ports, to keep the port Length from getting too long.  The one I posted is a 6 inch but that was just an example. 

 Let me know if you need help figuring out the tuning.  I could get your close and then you can change the lenght of those ports very easily to fine tune to your taste. :)

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Hey man, thanks for the help. I can post up some measurements in about an hour. Are you talking about porting out the middle towards the console like the guy at my stereo shop recommended or a side port? I'm looking for low hard hitting bass.  If my rear view mirror falls off so be it lol. The subs are rated 500w RMS. My amp is a Rockville 6000W/1500RMS so I'm assuming they will slam. Maybe add more subs later on? Thanks again

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Ok so here's what I got. 57" across 9" tall in the front, 5" tall in the rear, 12" deep. If we need to Jack the seat up some I can do that, I work in metal fab. I need those lows haha. I attached a link of a quick sketch of my available space. I'm going to attach another pic of a forward firing box under the seat to see what your opinion is on that design. I'm open to build whatever. Thanks again.


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 There will not be an audible difference for a daily driver no matter which way you face the port.  If you were competing and chasing that last single decibel then having a test box and trying different directions may pay off. I would do what is going to be easiest to build personally.

 You should be good on power with that amp. The smaller the enclosure the more power the subs will handle. SO if the box ends up a little undersized you’ll be OK.  You’ll easily be able to push the subs to their mechanical limits, which is the most output your going to get from the cone moving. The smaller box will not hurt you also in the fact that it will make the tuning frequency have a little more output out of the port. Basically a narrower response but with a higher peak. 

 Here is an example of how one gentleman on here did his port side firing. 


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10 minutes ago, CrewCabBassHead said:

Ok so here's what I got. 57" across 9" tall in the front, 5" tall in the rear, 12" deep. If we need to Jack the seat up some I can do that, I work in metal fab. I need those lows haha. I attached a link of a quick sketch of my available space. I'm going to attach another pic of a forward firing box under the seat to see what your opinion is on that design. I'm open to build whatever. Thanks again.


 That design will work great!  I have seen guys do the bottom out of fiberglass so that it is molded to the floor. Then build the rest out of wood.

 Just know the final enclosure volume needs to be closer to about 2.75ft.³ One cube per, then .22 ft.³ for the volume that the subwoofers will displace. I am not near a modeling program right now but would estimate the port will take up at least .4 ft.³  also realize that is the internal volume and the three-quarter inch walls will also require space.

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15 minutes ago, CrewCabBassHead said:

I'm ready to design the box lol

 You are pretty much married to every dimension other than Height. Perhaps a little play front to back if you don’t mind them hanging out from under the seat like the one you posted. If it were my vehicle I would build/mock-up the bottom and sides of the box. Then figure out how tall it needed to be to get the correct volume and port. 


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Alright so I made brackets to lift the seat 4". I have to take out the flip down rack that's under there first. My plan is to install the brackets and see about my available space. As far as porting goes would y'all recommend a baffle before the port? I've seen a few boxes with say a 3" OD port with a price of wood 3" in front on the entrance for the port. Would this help as far as bass in concerned? Thanks for all the input.

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I took a few pics of what I've got going on. The back seat is lifted 4" with the brackets I made out of 1/4" steel. Ready to mock up the box. Excuse the mess, I'll vacuum when I'm done.
https://ibb.co/jaekZU https://ibb.co/bUUV19 https://ibb.co/eb7B8p https://ibb.co/kYYUuU https://ibb.co/dWi7g9 https://ibb.co/fSEr8p https://ibb.co/mrSYM9 https://ibb.co/jEOUuU


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Love the work so far...but am unsure how you determined the port length before measuring the overall volume.  It isn't something that you can approximate...

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Looking good my man!!!

 I actually loaded that sub into WinISD and modeled for you, but didn't make it back to post the results. Let me know if you need me to check anything for you dude. :D

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