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I'm planning out a build that is using lots of Rockford parts, the 360 is an old dsp right? has anyone got experience with this guy and is it worth buying these days when you have new tech like JL fix, aerospaces, or helix?


the aerospace allows for all pass filters i could use to help fix phasing issues, what other DSP's allow for this?

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I’ve never used a dsp to fix phasing issues.

just saying

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Trying to do all Rockford is silly.  Just work on what is best for what you need.  There are a ton of processors that do all sorts of things.  The old 360 is terrible.

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i was trying to do Rockford so i only need to make a single accommodation order and i like how their amps look and sound, not the same high end specs as a mosconi but given my application that wont matter. also they fit well into my budget.

i think I'm going to do the glazen 8-12 pro dsp, its cheap and i think the aerospace is more than i need. i like its setup utility and its ability to use all pass filters

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I ran the RF360.1, 360.2, and then, was one of the first to have a 360.3 up and running. That was one of the most frustrating pieces of gear ive ever delt with,.. i sold that turd 4 days after installing it. I HIGHLY recommend a different DSP. Used several in my time. We have to have one for the ORG we compete in. Using a AUDISON the last 2 seasons, and pucking love it. 

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i do not like the audison setup and we frequently have bit ones loose their settings. not a fan. i had never used a 360 however and from what i hear they are terrible so i think ill stay away. thinking ill go with the 8-12 gladden pro dsp now that ive done some more research into it and prices.

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If I ever decided the need for a processor, it would be the Helix Pro.

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ive used that one and it is good, i was lucky enough to get a 20 hour long hands on training with the tuning support team here in the states a few months back however so I'm biased towards the glazden as i really want to play with it.

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The Helix Pro would be my goto if the price wasn’t so high. I have my own and have helped install/setup several of the JL TWK88 DSP’s. I think they’re about impossible to beat for the money. Not quite as powerful as the Helix Pro but much easier to use and more reliable than cheaper units or units like the BitOne and 360.3. I would recommend it to anyone looking for a less expensive alternative to the Helix Pro that doesn’t need all the power it has either. 

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The miniDSP is $100 for 4 chn.  Does more than any of the processors you are looking at.  Simple enough interface that 0 hours of training ought to be enough.  It does require a pc though.  Puts things into perspective when you look at prices for the rest.  The Mosconi stuff is HORRIBLY over priced.

Get off the RF bandwagon too.  Single order is irrelevant considering how much time you spend in a shop.  Pointless to buy a single brand.  

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fair enough, i do like how the Rockford amps look tho and from the specs they seem pretty good amps no? i think they are (considering price) some of the best amps we carry at our store.


i had the mini dsp and i loved it, however it was VERY STRONGLY frowned upon at work and i doubt they would let me put in an order for our higher end speakers if they knew I'm pairing it with a chinesium dsp. add to that ive already used one i would kinda like to try something different. the mini dsp i would need is a 8 output channel so its about 300.00 or so which is still a great price but i get the glazden for +/- that same price so its a wash.

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Your store is full of idiots.  

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Sounds to me like if you have worked with several processors and haven’t been satisfied, you either don’t know what they are correctly used for or have a test system that is not designed correctly. A processor is NOT a miracle worker and most systems that run processors don’t really need them. 

Just to be clear here (and I’ve proved this many times in sound quality competitions) It is always better to do more with less.

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ive never had the chance to really tune or build a full system like the one I'm planning to do in my truck. i do not like audison dsp's as i hate their setup process, i don't really care for the jl tweak as its pretty cookie cutter, cant even choose between types of xovers. the mini dsp was very good imo but isn't accecptable to have in a car i might show off at work. the mosconi however is one i havnt owned yet and would like to try out

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14 hours ago, ncc74656 said:

ive never had the chance to really tune or build a full system like the one I'm planning to do in my truck.

Then you should do a 2 way, NOT a 3 way.  It will sound better.

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that may be true but ive got to start some where, ive had 5 years of audio work and been told 10 different ways under the sun to do single tasks. i want to put what i think i know into practice.

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You won't learn if you do a 3 way, you will if you do a 2 way....and it will sound better.

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so if i go 2 way and pair a 10" midbass with a... what? if i run a 10" it wouldn't play much above 1K effiecntly right? id have beaming issues and such. if i run a 1.5" tweet wouldn't that have issues playing down to meet the midbass?

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On 3/11/2018 at 3:47 PM, ///M5 said:

The miniDSP is $100 for 4 chn. 

There's only one thing I don't like about it. In all my years of installing (not many), I have never had so much trouble with noise as in my current install with the miniDSP. As soon as I switched to the Audison BitTen, it went away. So for that reason only I would pick the miniDSP car version even though it's more expensive. 

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I have 360.3. Personally never had any issues with it, worked perfectly.

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7 hours ago, ncc74656 said:

so if i go 2 way and pair a 10" midbass with a... what? if i run a 10" it wouldn't play much above 1K effiecntly right? id have beaming issues and such. if i run a 1.5" tweet wouldn't that have issues playing down to meet the midbass?

A 2-way with a 10" and a full-ranger mounted on axis would be a great place to get the feet wet. :)

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On 3/11/2018 at 6:47 PM, ncc74656 said:

ive never had the chance to really tune or build a full system like the one I'm planning to do in my truck. i do not like audison dsp's as i hate their setup process, i don't really care for the jl tweak as its pretty cookie cutter, cant even choose between types of xovers. the mini dsp was very good imo but isn't accecptable to have in a car i might show off at work. the mosconi however is one i havnt owned yet and would like to try out

I’m not sure what you mean about cookie cutter?  It’s capable of using Linkwitz-Riley as well as Butterworth crossovers adjustable from -6dB up to-48dB depending on the type you choose. JL built a fair bit of power into the unit but there are quite a number of features and functions that are either limited or not accessible unless the user level is on advanced or expert. 


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9 minutes ago, j-roadtatts said:

A 2-way with a 10" and a full-ranger mounted on axis would be a great place to get the feet wet. :)

Definitely second this!

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hmmm. i really want to do a 3 way because its a 3 way and i want to have that experience. having said this... ill need to do some research but if i pair a 3.5" mid with a 10" bass i would need to have the mid at least on axis and possibly both due to beaming issues no?

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The "experience" will be worse.  You aren't ready for a 3 way and no one else in your shop is either.  Master a 2 way first and then upgrade.

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