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100.2 or 100.4 for pioneer 720prs????

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im on the verge of purchasing my amps for my blaze and wanted to kno wha amp should i run for these comps. ill be runnin 2 sets in my doors. wha amps would be best for these so i can get em to the potential. a 2ch or 4ch? an amp on each set? thanx

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im on the verge of purchasing my amps for my blaze and wanted to kno wha amp should i run for these comps. ill be runnin 2 sets in my doors. wha amps would be best for these so i can get em to the potential. a 2ch or 4ch? an amp on each set? thanx

If you are running a pair of components in each door (four sets total), I would recommend the four channel just because it would simplify things.

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Depending on the resestance in the speakers the 4 channel would be the easyest way to go. May have to run a piar of 2 channels to get the max power to each set.

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If they were 2ohm sets I would probably get 2 100.2's but I think a 100.4 would do. Either option really.

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Well those comps are 4 ohm final load, 200Wmax and 50Wrms. So they should have plenty at 100Wrms each set. I would run one Sundown SAX100.2 at 2ohm stereo and bridge two sets in each door while running one channel to each. This will give you 200Wrms+ to each door aand plenty of head room. By using a SAX100.4 you never really allow the amp to get to the full potential.

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so u guys are sayin get 2 100.2 and run 1 set of comps per amp? so that will be 2 tweeters and 2 mids per 100.2? correct?

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Smartass is saying wire your sets in each door together in parallel for a 2ohm final load and only run 1 100.2 which would give your sets 100w a piece.

Edited by Fixxer

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Smartass is saying wire your sets in each door together in parallel for a 2ohm final load and only run 1 100.2 which would give your sets 100w a piece.

Which isn't necessarily the "hot ticket" because then the rear set will be as loud as the front set, and you'll have no way to adjust the fade.

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He is running both sets in his front doors I assume. If not then yes your correct a 4ch may work better for fading purposes. However if his idea was to put them in all door they are fairly close together and fade may not do to much anyways.

Edited by Smartass.bz

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He is running both sets in his front doors I assume. If not then yes your correct a 4ch may work better for fading purposes. However if his idea was to put them in all door they are fairly close together and fade may not do to much anyways.

Definately. In that case...a 100.4 bridged down to 2ohm. I don't know if the amp would handle 2ohm bridged, but if it can, the speakers SURELY can't take the power.


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Best not to come to the party unless you know what kinda party it is, eh dopey? :)

Edited by Fixxer

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Best not to come to the party unless you know what kinda party it is, eh dopey? :)


Do you know that he in fact has both sets in the front doors and isn't running a set to the rear doors? Because I've reread the thread and I can't find it.


and what are you doin running tweets in your "rear stage"...whateverTF that is...

Edited by dopey

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"ill be runnin 2 sets in my doors. wha amps would be best for these"

He has four doors, perhaps he'll be running 2 sets in each door, for 8mids and 8tweets total...

A 100.2 for each door would be a great way to power those.


Or maybe he's gonna split 2 sets amoung 4 doors???

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