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Jeep Renegade box suggestions (Fi Alpha 15)

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It's been a while since I've been on here. Graduated college and disappeared from the scene to start a career, which lead me to 3 states in 3 years. Finally got a vehicle I've always wanted: an SUV! Picked up an Alpine MRX-M100 on Craigslist for $50, and just bought a new Fi Alpha v2 15 yesterday (hopefully that comes in before the new year). Definitely won't be as heavily involved in the SPL scene as I was years ago, but I think I might just make something to have some fun with at a couple of competitions next summer. Here is my plan so far, and I would like input/feedback for anyone that has worked with a Renegade before:


800-900 wrms realistically

15" Fi sub

Box: thinking 4.5-5 cubes net tuned at 36-38 hz but I can't decide on a couple of 6" octaports, a single 9-10" octaport, or a 60 sq in slot port along the bottom (the sides would be kerfed making it a kind of oval if that makes sense). All of these would be sub up/port back. 

If I can break a 145, I'd be satisfied. If I could get close to or break a 50, I'd be more than pleased. 

Let me know what you guys think of box design/orientation for an SUV to maximize my efficiency. And if y'all remember me, don't be afraid to throw out crazy ideas. I've done some crazy things with boxes.

Anyway, here's the current setup that I threw together last weekend to get the ball rolling (another craigslist deal on the sub). 2.0 net tuned to 35 with a 4" aero. (Doing a 41-42 on the ear-o-meter sealed)





Edited by Miles

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Alright, I think I have a plan and it's nothing I said in the last post. I got to thinking about this (too much), and decided I wanted something different that just a standard ol' ported box. I don't have the room for a bandpass (tired of building those anyway), but I just so happen to have enough room for a folded horn/t-line. So yeah, I think that's what I'm going to do. Just need to get accurate measurements of the cargo area and start calculating throat/mouth width, expansion rate, line length, yada yada.

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Nice I’ll be tuned in for that.   

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