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Recommendations on coaxial

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So the speakers in my 04 Accord just arent cutting it. I had them sounding good on rap, country, pop, etc but when it came time to play bands like a day to remember or wage war they just were super harsh. So I played with the EQ today and had to basically lower all my settings to make it bearable on the kind of music. It still sounds pretty good on other genres but just not as loud as before. In the past I have always ran coaxial and it is what I prefer for ease of installation. I've also in the past used the HU to power them. I've run Polks DB series many times and like how they sound, also I run JBLs in my gfs TL and they sound pretty good too. But I figured I'd see what you guys would recommend that would work well off HU power for the time being with the possibility of being amped in the future. I like speakers that are warm sounding. I don't want anything that is ear piercing or harsh. Right now my substage is just an ev3 10'' ported off of an AQ1200.1 seeing just over 500 watts. In the future I may go with a set of sealed 12'' DCONS off of the full 1200 that the amp can produce. Thanks in advance for any suggestions!

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Which co-ax speakers are you currently running, that you think are lacking? (your post was vague lol) 

Sadly you are most likely clipping due to that one kind of music being very boosted during recording. Its not the speakers fault, its the signal. A little more power and smooth out the peaks in the frequency response, and they should sound way better. 

Any high efficiency driver that will get loud on HU power, is going to be lacking in warmth.

Smooth or loud. You pick. With what you are limiting yourself to, thats pretty much your options.

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Perhaps try a smiley face EQ setting, centered somewhere between 500-2000 hz. (whichever works, but try to find the most offensive frequency first and center on it) Report back! :)

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The speakers in there now are stock AFAIK. In the past I've ran Polk DB series off HU power and thought they sounded pretty good. I'm just now getting back into the stereo game, I've been gone for like 5 years now so not sure what newer brands are out there that I haven't heard about.

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I would recommend a fairly high efficiency speaker to showcase your HU power.  Atleast 90db.... one rated at 93db or so would be even better.

Whats your budget? Perhaps check out the brands in the SSA store, if you want to see whats new and available in this neck of the woods. 




Otherwise I personally have always liked MTX co-ax speakers for active music, such as metal. Have ran a few pairs of the older Pioneer ones also and was always happy on HU power.

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There’s so dang many to choose from out there it’s crazy. 

I have an SQ building friend who works at a brick and mortar audio store who says that these Ampere Audio coaxials are well worth the price. 


Otherwise these Pioneers have always sounded pretty decent to me. 


There’s just too many to mention really. The absolute best thing you could do would try to get out there and listen to as many as you can. Just because the sound of one set pleases me doesn’t mean you’ll find it as nice. 

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Oooo, I do like the look of those ampere's. The thing that sucks is around here all the shops carry the same junk. So I can't really audition a variety of brands to find what I like. Thank you guys for all the suggestions though!

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