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Alvin Lee

Audison Bit One

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Hi Guys, 

Having some issues and need some help.

I recently found a Audison bit one at $178 and the price was really attractive. The down side is it does not come with the DRC, CD and the USB cable.

My worry is with out the DRC would it be convenient unless i don't change settings?

CD - i manage to download the software online but will it be able to use?

USB - is this the normal USB which we can find in stores?

Would appreciate your help to leave some comment and to clear my doubt.

Thank you in advance.


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the CD contains test tracks to de-equalize the factory audio system. its just pink/white noise and iirc it tells you what its looking for during the setup so you can just download your own pink/white noise and or use an app to generate it. usb is a normal usb cable, the DRC could be frustrating as you are intended to use this as your volume control. having said this it is more than possible to use your radio and just don't change any settings on it once you have it setup. long story short you should be able to use this just fine as it is.

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