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Noob sub wiring question

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Hello all,

I am wiring up two 1ohm DVC 12" subwoofers. I am putting both subwoofers in a sealed box, each of them has their own compartment and terminal. I am running a Sundown SAZ-1500D and want to wire it at 1ohm so I get ~750 to each sub. I want to double check to make sure the sub is wired correctly. I found the following diagram.

Two 1ohm DVC Wiring

Following the diagram, I ran one piece of wire from one positive to the negative on the other side of the sub. I then connect the terminal wires to the other neg/pos on the subs. I also do this for the other sub. Then from both terminals, I run their own wire to the Sundown which has space for two pos/neg inputs (it is internally bridged).

Did I do this correctly?

Edited by leon

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Yes, that is correct.

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