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Aaron Clinton

Great subs that never should have been discontinued....

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I don't know if anybody remembers, but Orion a really big speaker back in the day. I can't remember how big it was but let's say the jackhammer wasn't really the biggest, baddest sub ever made. I think audiobahn made one that was like 38in( special order of course) that handled 10,000 watts. To think everybody shouts jackhammer and larger subs have been produced. Anybody know whether these subs are still being made or maybe someone that has them wants to sell them. The guy who had the Orions drove a hearse.

I don't remember Orion ever making anything really big. Clarion made a 32" sub. It was a total gimmick and struggled to mantin its composure on a paltry 300w but it would go LOW. A shop in my hometown got ahold of one and had it in a proper sized sealed box in the display room. The box was about the size of a refrigerator and they had it on casters so they could move it around. It was able to hit the resonant freq of their suspended ceiling. Knocked out all the tiles around it. Kinda funny to watch.

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I would love to see that. Of course everything now is made for job security. I remember how good things used to sound years ago when I was young. It seems like you have to spend thousands now.

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That would be fun to watch!

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I don't know if anybody remembers, but Orion a really big speaker back in the day. I can't remember how big it was but let's say the jackhammer wasn't really the biggest, baddest sub ever made. I think audiobahn made one that was like 38in( special order of course) that handled 10,000 watts. To think everybody shouts jackhammer and larger subs have been produced. Anybody know whether these subs are still being made or maybe someone that has them wants to sell them. The guy who had the Orions drove a hearse.

I don't remember Orion ever making anything really big. Clarion made a 32" sub. It was a total gimmick and struggled to mantin its composure on a paltry 300w but it would go LOW. A shop in my hometown got ahold of one and had it in a proper sized sealed box in the display room. The box was about the size of a refrigerator and they had it on casters so they could move it around. It was able to hit the resonant freq of their suspended ceiling. Knocked out all the tiles around it. Kinda funny to watch.

Yeah man . no Orion that I recall . Just clarion and audiobling . A local shop here had one of the audioblings and one of the clarions. They might still have the clarion , I never saw it used. But I did see the audiobling fold the cone with 500w in a 10 cuft sealed enclosure. :)

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PPI Flat Pistons, IDW's & IDSPL's

this guy has it figured out.... all of these were very very nice subs:) I wish i woulda never gotten rid of my ID SPLs

Might throw in the IDmax v2s (I liked them better than v3)

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Boy all this talk about the older Eclipse Aluminums (I have an 8122.4) and the round solos(currently have 3 12"'s sitting in my basement, 2 8-ohms and 1 4-ohm) is making me reconsider my decision to potentially go a new direction with maybe an RLi-10. TC-7 10 or TC-1000 10. If only any of my afformentioned subs were able to provide the 2 ohm load that my new amp (PPI Pro-650) requires to provide 400 watts at the sub channel.

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MTX Eliminator, Cerwin Vega XL series drivers, Petras Prowlers, RF Audiofiles, Soundstream SPLs namely the 160, I miss mine so much, Pyle Pounder Pro, Pyle Cast, Pyle Driver II, MTX Thundercast, Crankenstein HVs, Original Ground Zero, and many of the aforementioned drivers.

man i remember when i was really young like 14 just starting to get into car audio my homeboys uncle had 8 prowler 12's in a explorer off of 4 punch 45's and was winning comps dont know what numbers but i remember he was winning at competitions they were the ones with like the claw marks on the front damn thats old skool lol like 13 years ago....but yea i liked the IMPP Pioneers

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man yer making me wanna go pull my prowler shirt out of the closet lol

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