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Dumb noob question? What kind of screws to screw down my sub?

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Sorry for the noobness of the question, but I really don't know???? :coolugh: Does it go on top of the rubber rim or inside the rubber rim against the metal frame that the surround attachs to?

Edited by Z1truth

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I've always just used wood screws- 1"1/2 should be fine. Put them in the holes in the rubber gasket, but you will have to screw through the ring as you put it, but they'll go right in once you have them straight.

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8-32 machine nuts and insert screws are way better

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:Doh: I always type nut instead of bolt

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Threaded nut inserts are even better.

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i had a lot of problems with my nuts

Okay :puzzled:

Seriously, it sucks when the T-nut comes out when you are screwing the sub down. What a PIA!

Coarse wood screws FTW!

Edited by bigjae1976

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wood screws have just always been good for me (and yes, coarse). They're the fastest easiest thing to put in.

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I've torn wood screws out a few times, and would NEVER recommend them. Even in a 2.25" baffle with a 2.5" screw you can have troubles. T-nuts are a pain. Threaded nuts never fail and are easy to install, using anything else is frustrating and dumb in my book.

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I second threaded nutserts for bigger subs (from a legal standpoint as I surely do not want someone suing when there sub smacks them in the back of the head in a wreck...).

Coarse drywall screws have served me well over the years, but they make a screw that looks like a coarse drywall, but is larger in diameter and the heads simply wont strip or snap no matter what you do... those in 1.500" size are what I use for heavier subs or anything in a wall (I wont sue myself..lol)

Also, close to the drawer/furniture hardware section at most Lowes/HD are flanged nutserts that you can stick in from the backside. With the flange on the back, if you torque down on the screws in the front, they simply cant pull through... like a T-Nut, but they screw in as well... so they dont fall out when you already have 7 of them in :)

I have also used a T-nut that has a small hole in the flange side to run a tiny screw through. This keeps them from falling out when you are sticking screws in... same thing can be done with standard T-Nuts by running a small screw inbetween the tangs with the head overlapping the flanges a little. Takes a couple extra minutes an a $0.79 bag of small screws, but youll thank yourself for not having to pull the other 7 screws out to replace the one that fell in.



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