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3.5 cubes @ 30hz and 1200 watts...what 15"?

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Hey everyone. I came across this forum through caraudio.com and thought i would try to get some help here.

Just like the title says...I have an AA Avalanche in that box right now with 1000 watts and it's just not loud enough. My budget is about 300 (cheaper the better).

I have an eD nine.1 to power so i can give it 1200 clean watts at 1 ohm, and i would like to use the same box. I know it is tuned more for SQ but it is still a decent size.

I was looking at the Fi BL, SI Mag, and TC-3000 (although that one cannot be wired to 1 ohm). The BL and Mag are really intriguing me after doing some research...

(Also, where can i get Mags and how much? I can't seem to find that info on the site)

Basically, i just want another sub that i can drop into that box, give it 1200 watts, and bump it way louder than the avalanche. I can build another box maybe by the summer if it will help a bit, but right now I am going to use my current one.


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Mags new are a little over that price range.

BL is probably going to be the loudest.

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imo the bl wouldnt be much loud than a fi q. I say get a fi q becaus eit will sound better, and is probably better suited at 1200 watts where as a bl should be getting 1500 - 2000 probably.


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First, the RMS on a BL is 1000W, just because some people run more doesn't mean a BL "needs" 2000W. A sub doesn't "need" power. (or "should be getting" however you want to put it.)

Other than that I agree, a Q in this case could be louder than the BL - but that's because you're tuning it to 30Hz. The Q has higher throw, lower Fs, and higher Vas where the BL has less throw, higher Fs, and a lower Vas. This means Q for big box/low tune and Bl for smaller box/higher tune. Why else would they release this other line and price them the same? This is all comparative and not set in stone, of course.

Putting them in their respective recommended boxes, the BL should come out on top for max spl.

Edited by Tommythecat

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Well, since the Fi site doesn't have specific box rec's for each sub, just a fairly large range of sizes and tuning freq's, i didn't really know what was ideal. I would actually love to build a smaller box in the future, how high of a tuning would the BL need...like 35? also, I have a strange feeling the Q won't be much louder than my avalanche, but i could be wrong. (and i didn't realize they were the same price)

Also, about the Mag...those things look pretty sick. And the box specs on their site is exactly what i have. How much exactly do they go for new, and where do i get one? I could always look for a used one or spend a bit more if it's worth it. The site also does not talk about it's power handling...so i don't know if 1200 is enough.

Thanks for the quick replies so far...can't wait to hear some more.

Edited by Banshee

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Since your box matches the Mag, I'd go that route.

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Mag is quite the price, but well worth it I hear. And whatever its power handling - it'll like 1200W.

And I believe the Q would be louder than the avalanche at certain freqs(above 30Hz). Keep in mind the Ava has an Fs of 16Hz...that thing loves large loooowwwww tuned boxes. They still work really well - but I know mine will be traded out someday and probably go in a HT (I have two 15's). THe BL would be louder again, esp tuned higher like it seems to be suited to. Notice, it doesn't need to be tuned high, it simply works better at higher tune where the Q works better at a lower tune. Its about specialization, Adam Smith would be proud of Fi.

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Well, would the BL sound like complete crap in that box? I really don't want to tune too much higher than like 32, but i still want output. Maybe i am just looking for too much from a single sub setup =). I wrote an e-mail to Fi asking them the same question...i guess i'll wait and see what they say.

And I do still like the Mag, but it looks like the only one in my price range would be used, and they don't seem to get put up for sale that often (especially the 15).

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