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UNIT 6639

BL question

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How much do they weight, the weight for the 10" shipped from ups says the package is 32lbs, how much of that is the BL and how much is packaging?

I am wondering because I planned on inverting my BL and I am hoping it wont be so heavy that it flips the box over.

I am putting it in a 1.2 cuft box, I cant remember hox much it weights but it cant be more than 45 to 50 lbs. I plan on buying another BL, I am having a dual 10" box built for the 2 so I hope the combined weight of the 2 will not be too much for a 2 cuft MDF box to handle inverted.

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hey you should be fine. my friend has 1-12 btl inverted and it doesnt flip but do be carefull cause when he floored it..it did tip. try bolting the box down. i did. get angle brackets and bolt it to the floor. they aork pretty well!

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the box and foam may weigh 1 lb its mostly speaker though.

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