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Tensil length on recone?

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I recently bought a recone for my HCCA 15 and I think the leads are too short for me to use. Is it usual for the leads to only go past the spider by 1"? Let me know what I can do about this. I have included a couple pics so you can see what I am talking about.




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ummmmm...they might be ok

I'm not sure how long the coil is though...

see if the cone in the forward position will pull on them or not

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ummmmm...they might be ok

I'm not sure how long the coil is though...

see if the cone in the forward position will pull on them or not

I cant really check that properly because the recone isnt glued in yet. Honestly I dont see how they would work, just judging bay all the other woofers I have. Most of the tensils curve before getting to the post. In the pics I posted it hard to tell but the tensils are straight. Hope this clears it up a little more. Is there any way of extending them?

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They are too short for that style of terminal.

Please email me at [email protected] and give me your address (I have sent out 3-4 HCCA recones recently) and Ill send you out some of our terminals to use.



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