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Gnome Audio: Past, Present, Future.

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Gnome Audio was officially founded earlier this year (04) as an official supplier of custom subwoofer enclosures. Since inception, we have sold more than 100 custom units to individuals across the united states.

Thats a lot more than we ever dreamed was possible.

This business was first conceived on the principal that nobody should get mistreated or overlooked because they don't have much to spend. We try to provide a high-quality product at the lowest possible price. Although it would be a lot cheaper to just build the box yourself, it's a lot easier to contract us to build it for you and it insures a quality end result. If you're unsure about your building skills or simply dont have the time or equipment to do it yourself, Gnome Audio is for you.

The fact that I personally get to talk to the customers via AIM or email correspondance makes it that much better. I know I feel safer talking to a real person about a product I'm recieving rather than an automated response. I personally respond to every quote request or email question I'm sent. A lot of people who have purchased boxes or AIM'ed me with questions about how to build their own are still on my buddy list.

The future of Gnome Audio looks bright right now. We're currently saving up for a routering machine to cut the wood automatically and precisely. This will allow us to build boxes that snap together like puzzle pieces and can be sold as "kits", where the recipient will simply "Glue-N-Screw" their box together. This will keep shipping and packaging prices at about half their current rate and reduce labor costs by 1/3rd. It will also allow for higher production. Don't worry: we're not going prefab. The boxes will still be made to your specs, specifically for your woofers....just a lot quicker and a lot cheaper. However, this machine is quite expensive so we're going to have to sell a lot of boxes between now and then.

I'd like to find a network of people that would be willing to help me get some exposure for Gnome Audio, either by sponsorship or by word of mouth referals. If you plan to compete in any major competition circut and would like to be sponsored by Gnome Audio, or if you just have a lot of friends that need subwoofer boxes, shoot me an email.

I'm also looking for a cool logo to make into decals and possibly use on my website. If you can come up with a bad-ass gnome audio logo, post it on here or email it to me [email protected] . I'll select a winner after i get enough entries and the winner will recieve $25, and some free box plans or a 1.5 sealed box for a 12" sub (i'll pay shipping). I've seen your signatures so I know most of you guys from SSAudio are good with paintshop :)

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I got this yesterday at the chinese resteraunt I frequent. The saying might as well be my slogan and my girlfriend's measurements are in the lucky numbers....I'll leave which ones to your imagination :)


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Awesome man.

Know I've been recommending you ever since day one :)

Oh, and we've got an electronic router here. Coolest little tool ever.

- Steve

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steve: i know ya have and that's why i got mad love for ya :)

capone: right now if you know somebody who will give me $30K

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Bigger they get, the more expensive. Electronic computer controlled machines, whether it be for metal or wood work, assembly, whatever ... they're freakin' expensive.

- Steve

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I plan on doing alot of comps in the coming weeks. If your looking for a sponsor.... i can get the word out for you if you would like. Let me know, ill hit you up on aim when u get on.

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Donn, obviously you KNOW i will be attending A LOT of competitions this year. i'd definitely be intersted in being sponsored, also i'm not TOO far away from you. I mean a few hours at most, an easy drive any day. LMK man, peace


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