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king alpha

I need help on a new box for a 12" Mag

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I just got a 12" Mag from Low-Hz, and currently have it in my old sealed box that housed a JL 12w6(v1). That box has about 0.8 cubic ft. after driver displacement.

Anyway, I was planning on building a ported box and got this off the net:


I was all set on building it, but decided to read more, and the more I read, the more I get confused and hesitant. So I decided to ask the official SI site for input.

I want the best ported box with a maximum width of 30" and max height of 13". It's going into a 95 Ford Mustang, and I would like the box to fit perfectly into the hole when you fold down the seats. The reason I need it to fit in that hole, is because I've gotten two flat tires in the past 3 years, so I need to be able to push the box into the cab in order to get my spare out. I was wondering if the box above is a good design, and if it's not, please let me know of a better one. Also, I'm picking up the MDF from Home Depot this weekend, so the quicker I get input, the quicker I can get started.

Anyway, the music I listen to is anything and everything. From Rancid to Wutang, to Jr Gong Marley, to Jack Johnson and everything in between. What would be a good tune for all these music.

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I believe tirefryr just did a mustang box, he might be of assistance

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that's actually a pretty good box you have there for what you are after...

what exactly is confusing about it?

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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I believe tirefryr just did a mustang box, he might be of assistance

Yeah, while searching this forums, tirefryr's name came up a lot, and thought, "maybe if I posted, he'll help me out".

that's actually a pretty good box you have there for what you are after...

what exactly is confusing about it?

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

I'm not confused about that box design. It's pretty straight forward. I'm second guessing everything because I was doing a bunch of searches on this board and other boards and read people saying to round 90 degree corners in the port, have the port hole in the middle of the box (I think I read that). Also, I read that thread "secrets to box building" on here with all the different type of enclosures, and it looks like the box above is more a "transmission line" enclosure. All this different information just makes me second guess myself and the enclosure I picked. Also, I figured, out of all the boards out there, this one must be the one with the most people experienced with the SI Mag. So it wouldn't hurt to ask this question here.

But if you say that's a pretty good design, then I believe you and I'll get started this weekend. :fing34:

i wish i only had 2 flats in the past three years.

i've lost count, but its close to 10 in the last 2 years

I don't know how your tires got flat, but the both times mines got flat, it's because the sidewall got slashed (one by a pothole, and I don't know how the other happened) So my flats means new tires, which is friggin expensive. But 10 flats in the last 2 years does suck.

EDIT: The above box is a 2.0 ft^3 enclosure. I used 2.0 ft^3 because the SI site said a ported box: 1.5 cubes tuned to 32 Hz and 2 cubes tuned to 28 Hz. Well, the SI site changed with the addition of the BM. Now the Mag link says for a ported box: 2 ft^3 tuned to 32 Hz. Should I change my box volume?

Edited by king alpha

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Ive said it once and ill said it again

I will NEVER EVER trust that site with laberynth ports...EVER !

Both times on 2 seperate occasions the subs have sounded like crap from those plans

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king...depends on what you are after...ultimate sq? 2ft^3 tuned to 28hz will deliver that. little more output? same volume, tune a bit higher, around 32-34hz.

as to the 90* adn rounding..that's to improve airflow. in a daily box not absolutely necessary, but recommended.

and no, that's not a transmission line, it's what eldo jsut referred to as a labrinyth port.

pm aneonrider, he does box plans. tell him what your after, give him your maximum dimensions and a few bucks, and you'll have yourself a solid set of plans.

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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Do you have the Mach 460 setup? If so, you'll have to remove that. Also, as far as pushing it through the seat opening, I don't think you'll be able to do that. I know the openings on both my SN95s are less than 12" and the driver's outer diameter is 12.5", so you;d have to build a slanted enclosure to cut down on the height. I'll go out later today and measure up the trunk in the Sixxer, and throw something together for ya.

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Do you have the Mach 460 setup?  If so, you'll have to remove that.  Also, as far as pushing it through the seat opening, I don't think you'll be able to do that.  I know the openings on both my SN95s are less than 12" and the driver's outer diameter is 12.5", so you;d have to build a slanted enclosure to cut down on the height.  I'll go out later today and measure up the trunk in the Sixxer, and throw something together for ya.

No, I don't have the Mach 460. And whatever you can throw together for me would be great. :fing34:

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