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RL-p15 in small sealed (d'oh)

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Hi, guys!

Since I bought my RL-p15 (dual 2 ohm) earlier this year, I just know there can't be another sub out there to match this truly super woofer when it comes to price/LSQ/fun/pleasure. :D

I had a LSQ setup in my Civic, did 144.4dB legal on the new TL. With small ports and a cheap ass amp I figure that's pretty decent!

Now I've sold my Civic HB, and bought a little funny jap - Honda Del Sol (the "little two-seat Vtec-beast"). Thing is, I still want to use my RL-p15!

So I sacrificed a little seat travel, and bent my knees for some awesome beats from this little rascal. A fiberglass enclosure behind/between the seats should do it, right?

Now we're getting to the main issue - how do you think my little baby will sound in a 1,5cuFt sealed enclosure? Hopefully I'll get this much volume - I have to measure when I'm done building.

I think I have to fill it with polyfill/fiberglass insulation. Anyone know where to get this? I live in Norway, though, international shippers will be appreciated.

Will be happy to get to know your experiences/thoughts around this.

- Jan Rune, Norway

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well, SS recommends that the Rl-P 15 is good for 1.5 cube to 2.5 cube sealed enclosures, with 2.1 cubes being the best for a flat response that goes low. so i would say, with 1.5 cubes and tons of polyfil, you could get that up to 1.9 cubes, so i would say you would be fine.

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That's what I was hoping! :)

Sorry for my lazyness, I could just've checked the recommendations myself. Another d'oh!


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That will be cool in such a small car, I'd love to see pics. What are you powering it with?

As for the polyfill, I have no idea on international shipping but maybe a recommendation to find some. Goto the SEAS speaker website and find the local dealer, and they will know.

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Good idea! The SEAS factory is only an hours drive away from here too, maybe I'll ask them directly about their prefered polyfill product.

I have a dealer within an hour also. :)

The RL-p will receive its power from a SoundMagus X-3000 (www.soundmagus.com). China product with good specs (allthough a bit hopefully rated) and very good power delivery. Strong and cheap, just the way I like my women.... uh... amps.


That will be cool in such a small car, I'd love to see pics.  What are you powering it with?

As for the polyfill, I have no idea on international shipping but maybe a recommendation to find some.  Goto the SEAS speaker website and find the local dealer, and they will know.

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amps/ women....they both have all the power and take all of our money, no matter how "cheap" they are..lol

and your future setup doesindeed sound sweet! and that's a great number too....can't wait to see pics!!

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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