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Please recommend enclosure for 2 rl-p 12's

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Hi all,

Newbie here. I have decided to purchase 2 RL-P 12's being pushed by a tantrum 1200.1. Each driver will be getting about 750 W each of clean a/b power.

I am mostly looking for serious impact and the bass drum range. I want Def Leppard and AC/DC kick drums to kick the hell out of my chest. Dave Mathews' "Crash", etc.

I have about a max of 4 cf I can work with. Based on this what would you recommend enclosure-wise?

I know sealed always offers the smoothest curve, But I keep hearing that these drivers shine in a ported box more than many others.

Can a ported box still produce tight, accurate bass that I need?

Thanks all.

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The enclosures on their site work very well.

Smaller enclosure= tighter but you loose the low end.

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With two of them, you won't really notice the loss, since its going to be so damn loud.

1.5 net ea (3.0 total net) tuned to 30-32. You will need 3 4" aeroports, and I recommend you use them since room may be tight.

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With two of them, you won't really notice the loss, since its going to be so damn loud.

1.5 net ea (3.0 total net) tuned to 30-32. You will need 3 4" aeroports, and I recommend you use them since room may be tight.

Thank you. How long should the ports be and does it matter where I place them on the front baffle?

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WinISD says that if I use 3 4" ports that they each need to be 26" long. Clearly this is too long. Can I just use a slot port of about 3" x 15"? According to winISD it would need to be 27.7" long. This would be much easier to make. I am new to ported boxes so I want to make sure I have this right. Thank you.

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