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Could someone explain this

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last night i was working on my system and i was hooking speaker wire to the right terminals. the amp is a I/S2200. there was a sub hooked up to the left terminal. while screwing in the first of the screws, the sub moved really weird and sparks flew off the amp.

then the amp started smoking, i shut my car off and unhooked the amp. it was still smoking, i took the panel off of it to look at the board, there were huge burn marks and there was an aluminum piece on the side of the amp that was half melted.(pics later hopefully)

i put the amp back together and hooked it up to power and ground to see if the power light would come on. it did so i hooked the sub back up and it worked. while taking the sub wires back off the screwdriver touched the terminal and the case of the amp and it did the same thing as before. now i am afraid to hook the amp back up because i dont want to ruin my sub, i also unhooked my other amp thinking that it may be a wireing problem.

i didnt buy this amp authorized:(. i bought it from ikesound, it does have a 1year warranty but there are like 50 things i have to do before they will even look at the amp. i dont know whether i should screw with that or if i should just send it to usamps to have it fixed.

Cliff Notes: screwdriver touched speaker output and amp case at the same time, amp smoked and melted shyt. what happed?

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Positive speaker terminal to amp case?

That's why disconnecting power from your distro block or at the battery is a really, really, really good idea before working on equipment.

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don't think they'll cover it, but yeah seems like u sent it a nice signal jolt.

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^^^yeah im betting they wont, is there a number i can call usamps to see if they will look at it, also anybody know how much it costs to have an amp repaired?

here are the pics i took.





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I think the number 1 rule for installing car audio is....

unhook power supply from everything!!!

I guess you just learned something the hard way, that's all....

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Sorry, but LOL. You wouldnt be the first person to ever learn that lesson. Ive done it in the past, but not in the past 5 years and...I live wire everything.

Jacketed screwdrivers > u.

Edited by Renegadesrun

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last night i was working on my system and i was hooking speaker wire to the right terminals. the amp is a I/S2200. there was a sub hooked up to the left terminal. while screwing in the first of the screws, the sub moved really weird and sparks flew off the amp.

then the amp started smoking, i shut my car off and unhooked the amp. it was still smoking, i took the panel off of it to look at the board, there were huge burn marks and there was an aluminum piece on the side of the amp that was half melted.(pics later hopefully)

i put the amp back together and hooked it up to power and ground to see if the power light would come on. it did so i hooked the sub back up and it worked. while taking the sub wires back off the screwdriver touched the terminal and the case of the amp and it did the same thing as before. now i am afraid to hook the amp back up because i dont want to ruin my sub, i also unhooked my other amp thinking that it may be a wireing problem.

i didnt buy this amp authorized:(. i bought it from ikesound, it does have a 1year warranty but there are like 50 things i have to do before they will even look at the amp. i dont know whether i should screw with that or if i should just send it to usamps to have it fixed.

Cliff Notes: screwdriver touched speaker output and amp case at the same time, amp smoked and melted shyt. what happed?

I had that happen with my md2d, it just made a spark and left a little black dot, my amp didnt fry though

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depending on the wattage of the amp i think it varys from





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if that still works USamps gets the #1 most freaking awsome circutry design ever award.

and dont bother sendint it back to ikesound, just send it to USamps and have them repair it. Ikesound will steal your amp and refund your money to someone else.

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no if bought through a dealer, you will have to send it back to the dealer to get it fixed for you. and knowing ike, hehe

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He cant send it back to USamps and pay for them to fix it?

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ooh you can try that too. didnt know if he wnated to pay xtra or not

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well its either pay $100 or what ever and get it done right or pay $30 and never see your amp agian.

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yes it still works, i dont know how well cause i was worried for my sub.

and yes i plan to pay to have it fixed, i dont trust ikesounds warrenty. will usamps fix it and if so how do i get ahold of them so they can fix it?

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call them up and say you need an amp fixed and then they will quote you.

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