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speakers cutting out....

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ok, so yesterday, i took out my cheapo 3.5" dash speakers and taped off the ends of the wires with electrical tape. now, my right door speaker is very quiet, pretty much not even working, and when i turn up my stereo, the music cuts out in my front speakers. is this a short? i assume it is but just checking i guess.

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ok, so yesterday, i took out my cheapo 3.5" dash speakers and taped off the ends of the wires with electrical tape. now, my right door speaker is very quiet, pretty much not even working, and when i turn up my stereo, the music cuts out in my front speakers. is this a short? i assume it is but just checking i guess.

Sounds like you only did this partially.

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pull your speakers again..

set your dmm to read resistance,,,put one lead on the pos side of your speaker and the other to ground...is there continuity? if so, there is your short...if not, disconnect your speakers...and check the voice coils. if they are reading stragne, there is your problem.....if not...on to the h/u. if the wires touched, you might have messed up the outputs side of your h/u...

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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it was a short, i had one tiny strand sticking out that i didnt catch and it was grounding. nothing is wrong with the HU, i guess im lucky, it all works perfect now!

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glad you were able to fix it that fast!

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