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I need to order a Mag!!

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I know they are all real busy, but I would really like to order one so if any reps see this please drop me an email on how I can do this via paypal.



[email protected]

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Do I need to let him know before I send the money???

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It's always nice to email Nick and show your interest. Just tell him that you are double checking availability and purchasing and then you can MO or paypal him. Make sure you include your address and maybe even your phone number just in case ;)

As much as you should just be able to paypal/MO money...it is good to give Nick a heads up on future purchases...I also think it's good communication with the customer..and I know Nick LOVES his customers :)

Edited by I8apony19

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that is exactly what I was thinking. I didn't just want to send him money and say give me a damn sub. That is not good communication. I did however get ahold of him via email. apparently when I tried emailing him from the link on the SI site it did not make it to him. So when I emailed him from yahoo, he replied confirming it never made it the first time.

alll is good now I have ordered me a sub and sent the money. Can't wait to get it in, should be finished with my box tomorrow. Hope to get the sub next week, but I know that things have been busy, whenever is fine. It is just good to know I have one coming.

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did I mention this is my first time with a 15" driver. I have always been a 12 person. Hope I like it.

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We need pics and vids when you get done. If not, we will come jack your sub!!! :boxin:

Congrats on the purchase. The looks alone will give you um, well.... :boink:

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I already got a reply from Nick saying he will break the sub in and get it shipped out tomorrow. That is awesome! He is one hell of a guy. I am almost done with the box. It is my first and of course I made a first timers mistake and now the dimensions are off a little bit. not too much though, hopefully it won't hurt the overall cuft/tunning too much.

This box is just to hold me over anyways tilll I get my SECOND 15D2!! and get a good box built.

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