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Our next interview is with Kyle of TC Sounds. Ask away, but no negative posts and no he is not giving away a 4hp.


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how did you get involved in audio?

how did you end up at tcsounds?

other hobbies?

what would be your ultimate subwoofer, your design or otherwise?

would you change jobs for anything?

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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Why do you drink so much monster ?

What is your major ?

Have you ever dropped a sub and totally broke it ?

Why dont you have a sub in your blazer ?

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Do you guys do summer internships??

Edited by topgun

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ok so you're not giving away a 4hp but are you giving away a 3hp?


why is the TC9 platform so compareable to other high end drivers from other companies that have no better motor platform yet you still have 2 or 3 steps above it?

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how did you get involved in audio?

Picked up some multimedia speakers back in 1998 and decided I liked speakers ever since. After a while I started looking into more expensive stuff then buying more expensive stuff. I slowly went through speaker after speaker and you know once you get rid of something new after about 3 weeks you have a problem.

how did you end up at tcsounds?

I happen to live very close, or at least I moved close when I transferred into UCSD. I walked in looking for an OEM to develop some subs for a system design I was pursing in my free time, and Thilo offered me an internship. I currently attend UCSD and he had a few other interns from UCSD. He himself also went to UCSD so I

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Why do you drink so much monster ?

I don

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Do you guys do summer internships??

ya, I think we do, we someone who can use solidworks software atm.

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ok so you're not giving away a 4hp but are you giving away a 3hp?

No specials yet, we may have some cool sales once we stack inventory on our new stuff.

why is the TC9 platform so compareable to other high end drivers from other companies that have no better motor platform yet you still have 2 or 3 steps above it?

The TC9 motor can produce an incredible amount of bass. In fact, you would be hard pressed to find a more robust motor in almost any high performance home theater subwoofer. The TC9 has a lot of potential and keep in mind, home theater designers can tweak subwoofers to get the most out of them because they have the engineering experience, development time, and tools necessary to squeeze everything out of a driver.

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What exactly do you do at TC?

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

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are you a james bond fan?

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Where would you like TC to be in 5 years?

Which motor to your ears is your favorite?

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Do you have any aspirations/goals in life? Where do you see yourself in 10 years ir do you look that far?

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do you think driver design will change much over the next ten years

can you do us some pics of the tc factory

and can you show us the magnatiser :coolugh: and how to use it, its one thing id like a play with but theres a lack of them over here in the uk :D

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in 2016 i want a speaker with 5" p2p with a 4" mounting depth

oh oh oh...

and where do you stand on other popular and highly effective technilogies such as XBL^2?

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do you think driver design will change much over the next ten years

can you do us some pics of the tc factory

and can you show us the magnatiser  :coolugh:  and how to use it,  its one thing id like a play with but theres a lack of them over here in the uk  :D

I took a bunch of pics of the factory.

And the magnatiser

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What exactly do you do at TC?

A lot of different stuff, prototype design in 3dmax, network administration, website design and maintenance, testing and measuring, making sure we have the exact parts we need, QC is a big concern of mine. Help making the big transition from OEM to direct and being a good apprentice of Thilo

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Not being argumentetive...but Dan and his company have just as good results/respect/reputation as TCsounds. Just as much (or more) OE manufacturing. And how dan explains it makes sence. Im just looking for another's view on what is better and why.

High mms, high inductance, and low sensetivity are all charicteristics of LMT that are undeniable. Granted a larger coil means more power handleing, but if you need more power to get loud then youve taken one step forward and two back because power cost money.

Im just looking to be enlightened by the audio gods. :)

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i'll say this, and i preach it quite a bit..

what happens on paper means squat in car. it's there for a starting point, and imo, is nothing more then that. once a sub goes in a box (or ib) and gets power, everything changes.

IME with the rl-s and teh last generation xxx (with xbl^2), i saw none of the advantages xbl is supposed to have or lms, namely efficiency. the xxx needed power and was picky about it's box, to do it's thing. hell, i threw the rl-s IN the box built for the xxx. and did a 136 legal at 34hz with a bogus h/u. (using the amp that was bought for the xxx as well)

and sq? the rl-s got much, much lower then the xxx. and jsut as clean and as loud. IME the lms beat the snot outa xbl. heck, i gave the rl-p the win over the xxx because it was a shit ton more user friendly, just as clean and damn near as loud. teh xxx could just handle more power.

again, IMHO, paper specs give you an idea, a starting point. the end result is determined by install, nothing more, nothing less.

all this leads me to my questions kyle...

why does the rl-s get a big box reputation? granted, i'm no t/s guru, as if that's not obvious. but like i mentioned, i threw the rl-s in the exact same enclosure as a xbl driver and got outstanding results. (2.5ft^3 tuned to 28hz with 32in^2 of port and ~1200wrms) i know LEAP is supposed to be the end all of computer generated graphing programs, but even then, isn't the response jsut a very well estimated guess?

how does an xbl^2 driver model on LEAP compared to the LMS?

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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I think we opened some worms here, the argument Dan has with LMT/LMS are mostly just differences between overhung vs. under hung coils which avoids the real purpose of the designs: A flat BL graph, to which I can completely assure you that our LMT measures much flatter and is more consistent, a point that Dan completely avoids but is very relevant. Contrary to his argument, our LMS drivers don

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If you send me something with LMS compareable to my avalanche 18 i am more than willing to test it to anyones criteria. I have acess to a Term Lab and room for up to 7cuft ported though i would probably seal them to the same Q for sound quality comparison.

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