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warrenty on the ax line of amps

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was wondering if someone could comfirm that the warrenty on an ax2000 is only 90 day over the counter and 1 year from factory.I read that the xtermentor line has 1 year over the counter and 3 year factory.Just wondering being that i just spent a few dollars on the ax2000 and the 4360 tube.

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sounds about right

I know Power acoustik told me since i hooked my system up it was only 90 day warranty as compared to a professional install is 1 yr.

And i think authorized dealers is 2yrs.

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It must be installed by a certified dealer to get the most out of the warranty.

I think its 2 years

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I am confused why is it that i buy the high line of amps and they have a lower warrenty then the cheaper price products?I would figure you get what you pay for,but in this case i got a shorter warrenty on a product that i paid more for,dont get me wrong i love the amps but wondering are they going to last since US AMPS doesnt warrenty them for as long. :puzzled:

Edited by unzipu21

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no the reason why i think the over the counter warranty is shourter is because it costs so much to make. the other warranty from the factory is the same all the way around

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Don't worry thought...US Amps name is on the side of it. It shall last you for a berry long time....

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The AX has a 90 day over the counter warrantee, 1 year parts and labor, if installed by an authorized dealer; it is extended to 2 years.

The reason AX does not have a 1 year over the counter exchange is cause it is hand crafted here in our US factory and tested many times before they ship. If they were to have a problem, it would happen right away. XT and Merlin are mostly made in Korea and not tested a critically as the AX line.

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