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Raising the stage above the dash

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21 hours ago, ///M5 said:

Why both a prs and a minidsp??

I really like pioneer HU's and not sure if I'd be used to just a knob yet; it's only 200 and it can be utilized for many projects to come. while driving a tweak here and there is comforting then I can set it once im home, on the Mini.


I'd love a P99rs x_x jesus *drool* 

Once the medication levels, I want to put a touchscreen in the dash of my truck with the mac mini. 

Once the computer is in I'll probably move to just pots under the screen.

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My truck is my "me space" at this time in my life. After being homeless it accumulated everything you could want in a space to stay for a while, albeit unintentionally. Everything from non perishables to blankets and flashlights. Obviously the entertainment. I'm weird about my truck.

Edited by SpeakerBoy

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What if the prs does everything you need?

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18 hours ago, ///M5 said:

What if the prs does everything you need?

Well, right now I'm running three amps. Sub, mid, tweet. I cross at 50hz for the sub, 100hz for the mids (or I violate my poor Rockfords lol) and 3khz for the tweets. This is all on the amps now, if the prs can handle it for now, I'll purchase that first, but the Mini just seems much much more flexible and more befitting a permanent install. I'd likely play with it in the neer, and make it permanent in the two door. When I try to bandpass my Rockfords they sound weird, spec sheets say they are meant to be ran wide open anyway. 

Edited by SpeakerBoy

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The PRS will do sub, bandpass and high pass.  Has 16 independent L AND R eq.  Unless you have exotic drivers with strange anomalies or cross points (yours don't btw) it will be a ton of processing already.  I would never recommend ever buying a processor with more capability unless it is capability that you know you need.  Otherwise you will just confuse yourself and lengthen the learning curve instead of shortening it.

More simply, with the drivers you have I couldn't even rationalize more processing than the prs unit.*



*doesn't mean I wouldn't do it, but that is also different since I could care less about the non-RCA sources on the "headunit" anyways.

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So, 80PRS it is, less monies is gewd monies :) I don't like using amp xovers because they are a guessing game. 

My trophy for myself, whenever I conquer two way was that I'd purchase Morel drivers for my three way. I've heard they are a very neutral sounding driver, which is what I'm after. I've only ever heard maximo's in a shop wall, which was completely stupid and I feel, non representative. If it's a brand name = price thing, I'm very happy with Dayton they've never done me wrong. Plus I like to show people up with budget products. It's sorta my thing. Except for the FI of course.


TL:DR; pioneer it is following deadening. Still woefully unsure of driver choice, nowhere in town to audition anything less than laughable.

Edited by SpeakerBoy

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More like, I have to buy the pioneer first now, my sony xav-63 is skipping, shutting off and randomly selects songs to play after a list finishes on iphone. =[


On the upside, fourth battery soon, (free) buncha maintenance got done on the truck, one notably being: gained a whole volt at idle by cleaning my coil pack grounding points of rust. O_o"

Edited by SpeakerBoy

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