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Upstage Audio

Legatia L3, and PICS!!!!

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Well, I got my L3's today and installed them in the kicks. I will give a very small review today on them and explain some stuff about them.

They are 3in drivers with a good frequency range from 150hz to 10khz. Wide range and small driver that can do IB. I have mine sealed in a kick panel. Right now i've done a sine sweep on it from 20-20khz. The driver was hooked to a CDT SATNet 480 crossover so it only played to about 5khz or so. Driver didn't like anything below 120hz not saying it won't play it but it wasn't liking it from some of the sounds. It really excelled in the 800-4khz range which it really liked which means instruments and vocals are nice and clear. Mixed really well with the drt-25 tweet.

As for the driver itself. Quite small as its 3in and moutning depth is only 2in. IB makes it quite easy to throw almost anywhere you can think of. Ideas have already been running through my head for different setups. My first setup would be the one I have with two 6.75s in the doors, the L3 in the kick alongside the tweet. My other setup i may do to interchange the two is 2 sets of L3s in the doors and an 8in driver next to them. But who knows.

O as a last note, installation of the drivers will play a significant part in the overall sound of the drivers, as install is important with any install. I have found a slight imaging problem with the drivers kick which makes it hard to time alignment due to the drivers placement it shoots more towards my legs. Easy fix but something to note on. The nice thing though is this driver is such a unique size that it allows you to consider many places like high on the door, A-pillars, in the dash(nice for Jeeps and trucks)and even places like the BMWs with the Harmon Karmon setups. So let the possibilites begin. I will be doing more testing tomorrow and will give you more critical listening reviews of the drivers. Sorry no graphs cause one, I can't get one, and two I prefer to tell you how it sounds. O and here's the pics 2234573_24.jpg



Edited by Upstage Audio

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Damn, I didn't realize they were so small (unless your hand is freakishly large :P) How much did they cost, if you don't mind me asking

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great review! install pix?

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Did NP do any measurements on these yet?

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yeah he did, some guy has given them a bad review which made me wonder about them due to the differing reviews. When i got them, they graphs NP did were pretty on par with what I heard when I listened to them. I didn't even know he did a review on them until this morning. The driver is very unique and does offer alot of options. I reallyl ike it from about 315hz to 3-4khz. It does very well on the vocals and does show some distortion at high volumes but its not bad and not too noticeable. Very warm speaker and very seamlessly blends in with everything else. Offers a very smooth blend into the tweets. I had HD-5s and switched to these and suprisingly, SQ wise its a tad bit better, output wise, I'd say two of these in the kicks and it would be like heaven and slightly louder than the 5.25. Can go to 100hz but definitely not made to play that low. I'm still testing it and loving it, just my ears hurt and I'm getting headaches from testing.

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