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It keeps growing and growing...

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well... my last project has had a slight... enlargement so to speak...

the 2000 Eclipse i did a while back with the oldschool L7 15 in full enclosure got a little bigger....

from this...


to this...


its not cleaned up or covered yet.... waiting for break-in before i decided if i will port the box or not... then it'll get covered in a blue vinyl to match the car with a black coverboard....

right now... pushing a hair under 750 a piece... something like 748 or so... amp benched at 1496watts rms and is doing nicely pushing these 2 L7 15's...

tell me what you think so far..


-EDIT- and btw... that dist. block was a temp wiring jobber not done by me... it is now fixed and is no longer mounted where visible... and is wired safely.... just dont have any pics without it...

Edited by AcIdBuRn83355

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That's gotta be loud as hell.

Very nice.

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they are sharing around 8 cu. ft. of airspace.... and with how they are performing during break-in (amp not even beggining to push wattage)... probably gonna end up replacing back glass soon... lol

the lows are incredible.... i bumped it up once to heat up the coils... no where near what they will be doing after break-in... and it was getting to the point where it was almost unbearable to stay in the vehicle....

next step is to sound mat the entire vehicle... we've got panels rattling that i didnt even know could rattle... lol


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06 L7's are the shit!!

looking crazy loud, crazy loud!!

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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Another Acidburn??? :huh:

There can be only one Acidburn! :runlaugh:

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That should be loud! Looks sweet too. My friend has 1 of the new L7's in a prefab like 2ft3 box and i just got done making him a 4.5ft3 ported box for it so it should sound a hell of a lot better now.

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looks great I would keep them sealed probably no need to go ported in that vehicle

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Screw that! WHAT????!!

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Screw that!  WHAT????!!


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