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Weed Could Be Safer Than Tobbacco

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ive only skimmed through some of their work cited and it seems to be pretty legit. A lot of it makes scence as well. Especially the bong portion. one or two uses and the bong water starts smelling and turnning funny colors...tobbacco or weed.

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im not saying that smoking weed is healthier than not smokeing. However the addatives in tobbaco are rediculous, which alone makes it worse. His work cited also stated the facts about Tobbaco causing constriction of the bracci and weed dialation. Which makes scence because Tobbacco is a stimulant of sorts and weed is a depresant of sorts.

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This has been known for a while...

But it's kind of academic, as health effects alone won't change policy :)

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yes BUT school and media propoganda still place Marijuana as more dangrous to your health than tobacco. This includes Anti-Tobaco organizations like TRUTH and SWAT and DARE...

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yes BUT school and media propoganda still place Marijuana as more dangrous to your health than tobacco. This includes Anti-Tobaco organizations like TRUTH and SWAT and DARE...

Last time I checked, nobody in the schools thinks too fondly of either one...

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Tobacco doesnt affect the brain as much as MJ ( if at all)

If everyone went around smoking doobies then people would be high everywhere.

Who knows what the world would come to

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If that happened, there would be a lot more potato chip manufacturers

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braincells lost from MJ is nowhere near braincells lost just from chronic alcoholism, blacking out from loss of 02, or listening to the dixie chicks...

and many of the worlds greatest minds where chronic alcoholics, many have blackedo out, but listening to the dixie chicks warrants immediate IQ loss to less then that of Mike Tyson.

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Tobacco doesnt affect the brain as much as MJ ( if at all)

If everyone went around smoking doobies then people would be high everywhere.

Who knows what the world would come to

true, but then again, nobody would want to fight or drive either..they would just want to hang out.

i've been a pot smoker since about 16. i've haven't indulged in roughly 2 years, but my opinion remains unchanged...i'd much rather come home and smoke a fatty then drink a beer. but due tot he fact i can't have a good job while smoking weed and can while drinking beer, well, you get the point.

anyway, this is one of the touchiest subjects on the planet. personally, i think pot should be legalized and treated the same as alcohol. in the end, there really isn't much of a difference...

and to those who argue MJ is a step up drug, bullshit. no more so then alcohol.

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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^^yep...there are extreme pot heads, there are extreme alcoholics.

Contrary to popular beleife, not everyone who smokes weed becomes a burner just like not everyone who drinks alcohol becomes an alcoholic. You can smoke enough weed to pass out or have minor halucinations (very minor) you can drink enough alcohol to black out and completely forget everything that happened while you where under the infulence.

The food industry would get a bump too

The only thing i wouldnt want to happen is see Weed end up being the next tobacco, processed, watered down, and put into prerolled cigarettes.

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Not everyone wants to smell your weed either.

I can stand ciggs but id rather not smell them.

And something that can get you high and others high (2nd hand smoke)...doesnt seem like it will fly to well.

weed just reeks !

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some weed does indeed reek, hence the monikor "skunkbud"

but then again, some smells as good as any other natural herb. and some smells not at all. it's all in how it's grown, what kind of nutrients it had and of course, it's genetics.

but enough of this...

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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Not everyone wants to smell your weed either.

I can stand ciggs but id rather not smell them.

And something that can get you high and others high (2nd hand smoke)...doesnt seem like it will fly to well.

weed just reeks !

which is why there could be retrictions as to when and where you could smoke it in public. In FL Tobbaco smoke is banned from restrants anyway... :ohnoes9:

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I thought weed was almost decriminalized, but cigarettes were a social taboo there.

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I gotta say i agree with everyone here. Especially Kent.........I would definatly prefer a doobie to a drink anyday.........food would get a massive bump in sales, people would become more creative, music may get off this "i'm a sad former pop star" or "i can act so why can't i rap??" kicker its been on for forever.

Here is the reason for not legalizing MJ. I am surprised to see noone has said this yet:

They cannot control its growth. People can easily grow and maintain marijuana. Alcohol on the other hand is a difficult to manufacture and tobacco only grows in certain climates, and under special conditions. MJ can be grown anywhere. Depending on how u tend to it depends on how good it comes out.

No ability to tax=no ability to sell.


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i can grow tobbacco and weed in my back yard, good weed doesnt grow up north with out lights, and alcohol is quite easy to manufacture...just as easy to learn as rolling a good joint

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the thing is you have to have a license to distill your own alcohol and maybe to grow your own tobbacco. SOOO the government could put a license on growing your own weed. :ohnoes9:

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i can grow tobbacco and weed in my back yard, good weed doesnt grow up north with out lights, and alcohol is quite easy to manufacture...just as easy to learn as rolling a good joint

okay.............where do u live?? Cause i have NEVER heard of much less met anyone who can claim they can grow tobacco easily..........alcohol except for home brew beer is harder to do than grow pot, and i am sorry to inform you that pot can easily be grown without lights. Is the quality nearly as good?? No way. Just like if u home brew your own vodka or whiskey it won't taste as good as Stoli or Jack.

This is a subject i have researched alot so i do know a titty bit.


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i can grow tobbacco and weed in my back yard, good weed doesnt grow up north with out lights, and alcohol is quite easy to manufacture...just as easy to learn as rolling a good joint

okay.............where do u live?? Cause i have NEVER heard of much less met anyone who can claim they can grow tobacco easily..........alcohol except for home brew beer is harder to do than grow pot, and i am sorry to inform you that pot can easily be grown without lights. Is the quality nearly as good?? No way. Just like if u home brew your own vodka or whiskey it won't taste as good as Stoli or Jack.

This is a subject i have researched alot so i do know a titty bit.


I can see you haven't been round where I live my brother. Both Mj and tobacco are grown here. Yes I have seen it with my own four eyes. But shine ( illegal alcohol) is WWWWWAAAAAAAYYYYYY more prevalent. It is literally everywhere here. IMO A lot of the reason has to due with prohibition, what happened stemming from it, and what it caused. :)

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I live in north florida...a friend of mine's dad had a 3 acre tobacco feild. Ive been offered to pick and hangthe stuff on many occasions.

Its a Semi Tropical region where Sand Pines and live oaks are prevelant

Moon Shine is quite easy to make, and you dont "taste" moonshine like you dont "taste" 151 or 180 grain.

Also, if you start with a dry rum (fermented natural cane shugar, can be bought in most grocery stors in some areas) and add flavors post distillation to your likings it can taste quite good...trust me, i know some shiners who have experemented with things other than corn.

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