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In the market for new 6.5" speakers

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ER ordered and paid. Fedex will deliver in a few days.

No money for the mini-dsp. I will order it at the end of the month.

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Don't try to use the ER's with your stock crossovers.  That won't work...

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Don't try to use the ER's with your stock crossovers.  That won't work...

I want to try them straight from the amplifier, with the HPF on my head unit at 100 Hz or 80. Or use the crossover on the amplifier.

Until I can aford the mini-dsp (end of the month, I hope so).

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Your timing....the CA's would be better for that, they hardly need a crossover.  They give it up on the upper end once you do.  Thought you were doing both at the same time....


Does your amp have LP & HP?

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My amp has "Full Crossover X1/X10, L/HPF, SSF":  http://cdn2.bigcommerce.com/server3700/a6ac4/products/1030/images/2762/IA_34_005_SSA__92307.1378826541.1280.1280.jpg?c=2


I think I can do something with it.

There is a way to bandpass speakers on it : I can bandpass the mid form 100 to 5000 (or less).

I can use the HPF for the tweeters.

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With the power you have you can probably bandpass them WAY lower :)


Any idea what the slope is of the crossover?  The CA doesn't really even "need" a LP as it rolls off smooth, but the ER has a big ole hump around 5k on axis which you probably need to knock down.  IIRC it is only 6-8dB or so though so even a fairly soft slope a ways down can work.

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On my amplifier, the slop of the crossover is 12dB/Octave

Low Pass Filter ( 12dB/Oct. ) :50Hz - 5000Hz ( X1, X10 )
High Pass Filter ( 12dB/Oct. ) :50Hz - 5000Hz ( X1, X10 )
Subsonic Filter ( 12dB/Oct. ) :10Hz - 500H

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12dB, okay. I'd try something like 50Hz HP and 3000Hz LP to start on the mid.

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12dB, okay. I'd try something like 50Hz HP and 3000Hz LP to start on the mid.

Thank you M5.

I'll try that.  50 Hz HP seems low !

I'll tell you how it performs and how I like it.


Do you think it's better to keep the focal tweeters on the Focal passive filter ?

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Id run them active since you are gonna start the process minus well just do the whole system at once.

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The passive filters are near the amplifier. So it should be easy. All wires are already ran.

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12dB, okay. I'd try something like 50Hz HP and 3000Hz LP to start on the mid.

Thank you M5.

I'll try that.  50 Hz HP seems low !

I'll tell you how it performs and how I like it.


Do you think it's better to keep the focal tweeters on the Focal passive filter ?


I crossed mine below 40Hz.  They are beefy, but I don't listen to bass music either.  


I wouldn't use your amp crossover for the tweeters, but I would measure them to see what they are doing.  Will give you a baseline for fixing them later.  Focal Tweets in general are always in DIRE need of an active processor...

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"I wouldn't use your amp crossover for the tweeters, but I would measure them to see what they are doing." : I was asking for the use of the Focal passive filter.



"Focal Tweets in general are always in DIRE need of an active processor..." : I don't understand that part, sorry for my English.


I need to get that dsp quick !

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I made that sentence confusing:


I wouldn't use your amp crossover for the tweeters.

I would measure the stock focal crossover to see what it is doing.  This will give you a baseline for the future and somewhat of an understanding of how you need to setup the amp on the ER's to make them blend.  Just need a frequency generator (smartphone app funcgen) and a DMM.  Measure until you find the 3dB down point and you will know the crossover point.  Then measure an octave lower and see how many dB you are down and you'll know the slope.

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I am NOT saying Focal chose well, but the exercise will help you understand what is going on and better prepare you for the active setup.

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Thank you for the expalnations.


I have some exercise to do, I know ! Lot of work to understand what to do with the mini-dsp.

Ihope my ears will like the results.


The speakers arrived yesterday, and I got them this morning at my office. Fedex can be really fast !

Tomorrow afternoon : install time , and settings will start !

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I added pictures to my build log : http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/topic/62903-my-first-suv-gets-a-sound-system/page-6#entry1118617


So far, I am very happy with those SEAS.

The sound is clear, natural.

I know I still have work to do :

  • wiring : we just took the speaker wires form the output of the passive Focal filters, to the inputs !  I need to wire everything from the amplifier. We were in a hurry, it was late !
  • deadenig the doors.
  • find something to keep the wood ring off humidity and water
  • buy and install the mini-dsp
  • lastly : decide if I want to keep those Focal tweeters, or not. They're not so bad, finally.morning.gif

I was afraid of loosing output because of the 8 Ohm impedance on my amplifier, but I don't think I lost something at all ! adhd.gif

Once again, I want to thank the SSA forum, and M5 for all the advices.

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Vous êtes les bienvenus.


Keep us up to date as you play with them.  Once dialed in you'll gain a ton and have lost nothing....should be hugely noticeable on the low end.


As for the baffles.  I've been using cutting board material instead of wood.  Saves the time to try to seal it.  Pretty dead acoustically as well.

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