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New truck install challenges

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I have pretty much been out of the game since 2009 because I was happy with my last build and left it alone for about 5 years. I recently bought a 94 F-150 ext cab to DD and I need my tunes back. This truck is going to give me some headaches but I'm slowly getting there. I'm looking to put a 10" SSD in a center console box, sub down with a forward firing aero port to try and get everything to fit and not look too silly. I made some templates today and figure I have 18" height, 24" length and 12" width overall to work with. That includes lifting the box 2-3in off the floor for sub clearance. I've never used an aero before but have been doing some research and I think I designed something that will fit reasonably well.


1.3net @32 W 4 In aero


I'm not sure if 9.5 in^2 per foot (one 4in aero) will be enough to keep from getting port noise on a Memphis 1000.1. Normally I would just commit to the speaker and try it out but if I can't fit a ported box I'm going High QTS in a sealed box :/. Any objections to this box? I really hope this will work as I've never been much of a fan of sealed boxes.

Edited by bayer

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