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6 sp4 18s, 6th order, lots of glass and plexi

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So, I don't post much on the forums much anymore, too much butthurt, doesnt seem to be the case here however... 




But this truck I just bought has a huge following, and I know a lot of people liked it, so I figured id make a build log for it..


Im 20 years old and in college, Ive been in car audio since I was 16, and always build my own vehicles, my last being a


1999 Honda civic, build consisted of..


80 prs

2 Dc Audio Level 6 18s NO wall

Ampere Audio 7500.1

2 Ampere 125.4s

Crossfire 10s and Exodus 7" midbasses in custom door pods

lots of fiberglass and cool shit..


it was a beast. but I got in a car wreck, the car got totaled, and here I was just finishing up the final touches on the build, all the way back at square 1.. so once I got paid from the accident, I decided to see if I could find something that was somewhat pre built so that I wouldn't have to spend so much time building it, which is very hard to find.. a build that I would trust, as well as the vehicle being reliable, etc..


Eric lives semi local to me and I had heard his burb once before, and absolutely loved it. I loved how loud it was, and how low it could play, was exactly how I wanted my civic to play. So we worked out a deal and I ended up buying the burban.. but you see im a builder at heart, I don't wanna go to shows and have people ask me if this is Erics old burban.. so im gonna be modifying a lot of stuff. and improving a lot as well..


starting from the front of the truck, I bought it with

Both dual alts, execution 270 and Excessive 300

all wire

1 northstar group 34

80 prs

door panels

sp4s and box

sundown 200.4

buss bars for batteries


so enter my equipment

I took the execution 270 out and sold it, replaced it with a DC XP 270, the truck now charges at 15.0 opposed to 14.2

Im adding another Northstar g34 under the hood.

will be changing all the CCA wire out to 1/0-4/0 welding cable

leaving the 80 prs, moving it down to the center console, ipad dash with SMD OM-1 coming soon

door panels are currently built for 4 10s, and 4 super tweets, probably keeping these the same however they will be getting refinished, painted, and wrapped, possibly some plexiglass as well..

The box is for sure staying for a while, the sp4s MAY be getting swapped for some Team Fi 18s, not sure on that yet..

I have a Ampere Audio 7500 on the subs for now.. will probably be upgrading power as well, secret for now.

5 eaton 135 ah batts going in back with the bussbars I bought from Eric


The Burban up to when I bought it (SMD BUILD LOG)




My civic build to give you an idea of my build skills and attention to detail, along with whats to come in the burban (SMD BUILD LOG)




What you can expect out of this build..

A lot of fiberglass and plexiglass, a lot of bad ass fabrication, and a lot of exterior modifications and upgrades.


This is a bad ass build now but its about to get a hell of a lot better :nuts::morepower1::detail::2girls:



Build log for the burban and my Honda posted below


right when I got it home




money shot!




got it home that night, everything was fine.. next morning the water pump fails, and the driver door stops opening correctly, I think she was pissed at Eric for selling her, lmao.. So my good friend and owner, Cody Breedlove, of the team I am on, Team Heavy Flex, helped me change out the water pump... wasn't bad at all





Got some new LED tail lights




80 prs, 12.9 resting voltage



interior shots




oh the destruction, doors don't like that 17hz I love to play lol






started to put my DC XP 270 in place of the execution 270














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dc xp 270 installed, charging at 14.9-15.1-ish cold, 14.6-14.8 hot



Northstar G34 and fuses




Threw my Ampere 7500.1 proto in for some testing, yes im building a bad ass amp rack don't worry.. other 3 batts aren't installed in this pic either was charging them at the time.



went to the lake to do some testing, didn't bring my nice camera but got a few videos and pics of some hair tricks



Already getting ideas... Hmmmmm





Got an alarm as well.. must protect your investment people!



As I said Im in college.. so I don't have a lot of time to work on it as when I come home on the weekends im usually trying to make $ building other peoples shit lol. but by Turkey Drag which is December 7th, I hope to have most of it if not all of the audio portion done.

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absolutely no voltage in this video, this was the day after I bought it with only 2 batts installed. was right at 12v all day:/ still beatin though.. gonna be a lot louder with a solid 14.5v



vid of the TPL show this past weekend, alot of loud vehicles out there, had alot of fun..


Burban is at the beginning and @ 9:00-rest of the video. My friend Jose who recorded it shit himself on that 16hz note lmfao :roflmao: 


Edited by lownlouddd

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So since i daily drive this truck, play it damn near full tilt everywhere i go, and LOVE lows, ive caused quite a bit of destruction since ive gotten the truck, broken alot of shit lol.



the passenger door has gotten the worst rip in it i have seen to datehad to fix that, buddy of mine cody had an extra door he gave me, is red but the trucks getting plasti dipped and im gonna do all around the doors and ledges, so no red will be seen.




in the new door there is 72" of all thread welded into place, my welds are garbage, as this was the first time i have ever welded. but i am learning so take it easy on me lol, isnt going to be seen just needed it structurally retarded strong.


I also seam sealed, and tack welded 16 gauge steel  plate into place in the door, I have 22 sq ft of tantric deadener waiting at the house for me to put in as well. i want this door to be stupid strong, it has to be since i hot seat demo people all the time (window rolled up) and so that door gets BEAT on..

anywho, onto pics :BART:

old door that Eric built, small metal rod welded into place and tantric deadener as well



what ive done to it in 3 months of owning it lmaao:rofl:



after i got it off the truck, was very flimsy and moved like a piece of bread



new door



knocked the paint off ready for some metal!



1" all thread



my shitty welds LOL    pop corn in this bitch



seam sealer for the 16 gauge going in, Thanks @kevosinn for the advice



welded it in some more and did more seam sealer over the all thread



all done





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went to go pick these up the other night and they didnt fit by such a small amount. fml:(



the guy that helped me do this is a mechanic/ technician  for this huge warehouse.. im 6'3 and have very long arms and very large hands to give you size reference for how big this damn wrench is. it must have weighed 40 lbs...




got a DC power SPX 300 to match my DC 270, dont have any installed pics but will get some. voltage will be on point once rthe harness comes in this week




Also started a retro fit with fellow member @Wood, hes helping me out big time, pretty much doing it for me im a newb on these and hes the king, thanks again bro.. will look similar to this, my projectors are more of a square shape and i have tinted lenses however.. will look menacing




gotta take care of your shit



wanted a movable work bench so i built myself this, had 2x4s laying in the backyard so used those and bought some $12 lockable wheels and goop from home depot to help hold the wheels on along with 3" screws, $20 movable work bench ftw..






amazing goop,. the best shit ever created, literally will bond anything to anything,. great for dustcaps and recones too..






started my new door panels as well, gonna be 1 10" and 2 8"s.. with all kinds of suprises in them.. ill talk more about them when they get further along, but they will ber beautiful.




also started the iPad dash for the truck too.



that layup tho


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All sealed up







Trophies after the show




Moving some air at the show this past weekend



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more turkey footage
Edited by lownlouddd

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updates my dudes


2 Northstar SMS-400 AGMs, oh yeah// 190 AH each, 130 LBS of pure virgin lead... tight just like i likes it, ya dig? enjoy.






been going through some shit this past month and a half. took two vacays.. recovering from all that fund wise but im building back up. gonna get on the box here soon. 

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8 sheets of birch for $120 yis plssss



youll be seeing alot of this soon



shit has been ordered



le celfie with a customers truck im building, reason mine isnt already done lol







im almost done with it, just need to wrap it all in carpet



started taking the subs out





plugs next that shrunk the box down



all out






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Subs are getting painted as we speak. pics to follow..




picked this up today(;




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**** purpppppppppppppppp

































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Turkey drag footage with a camera that can actually pick up the lows, thanks JP!







that is all

Edited by lownlouddd

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my friend demoing the burban while i went to enjoy the show lol


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heres what the design will look like




patiently waiting




got me some 3/0...








guts of the 8k.. for some reason the picture makes it look small..





picked me up  40" LED bar thatll be getting flushed into my front bumper.. hmmmm


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anywho, updates


home depot run!




heading to my team members house to work for the day




started taking shit out






foamed and ready





floor in



sides going in, all doubled up here



started on one of my side beauty panels, SAX 200.4 and 100.4 will be housed here, showing off plexi and leds


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plexi and LEDs done, these are RGBs so they are color changing, will look sick at night






how it ended up when the day was finished






ghetto clamped on the sides but fuck it! only way i could keep everything perfectly square, will remove tomorrow when its dry..


im slowly covering all the screw holes and cracks with filler and sanding everything baby smooth.. this bish will be painted gorgeous when construction is done and the design is perfected

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and as of 3/1/2015 that is where Im at, will be making updates accordingly. thanks for watching guys.

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I sold my alts today, the 300spx and 270 xp... getting 3 300 amp JS Ultimate Sounds Alts. Powdered Purple to match, should be sick..

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Interesting build!  How did you come up with your design for the series-tuned 6th order band pass?  What are the tunings, port area, and internal volumes you are shooting for?

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Looks like you are picking up right where he left off.  Tuned in for sure.

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Interesting build!  How did you come up with your design for the series-tuned 6th order band pass?  What are the tunings, port area, and internal volumes you are shooting for?


I didnt do the design a friend of mine whos a beast with bandpasses designed it, not gonna release too much, but 1.5:1, 28 rear tuning, 44 front. gonna be a beast


Looks like you are picking up right where he left off.  Tuned in for sure.


hoping so man should be sick

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recones came in today








gonna look sexy as hell lit up




got a shirt and some stickers too



got a new bad ass table saw im gonna make it and the run off table i built for it, one big roll around table



nice little build set up for the time being



Got some paint on it for now to find any imperfections. Probably gonna paint this purple and flush it in the box or something






Oh yeah and we actually measured out everything yesterday for the design to be finalized. I was thinking 60ish cubes. Nope.. 75! Holy shit lol

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Nice paint on the baskets....

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This is gonna be sick!

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