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three 15's or two 18's

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I'm trying to decide on the most efficient route for my summer build..I tried to come up with different variables about one of the two but no luck... Three ethos or two sp4 on 7k watts


Higher quality


Larger enclosure

4th order friendly

Can take a lot more than rms which man's room to upgrade amp(s) with no worries


More cone area

Lower price tag

Doesn't require large enclosures

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Always start with box specs. Drivers make ZERO sense to shop for until you know what you can do for an enclosure.

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What makes you automatically say the Ethos is lower quality?

Shit, BigJon did hair tricks with a pair of rear firing fifteens from the trunk in his Lincoln, seat UP.

What's your vehicle, and what exactly are you after? I'm guess all out loud?

Edited by SpeakerBoy

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I have 16 cubes

If that is Net you don't have room for either of your choices in a standard 4th order ported box.

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My vote ethos because im team DSS but its all about what you are going for...Taylor fade burp that heck out of a 12 amd steve burp 5k each on 3 15s ethos

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I saw a post bigjon made about his subs..and if I remember correctly he said he started to damage three subs so he backed off the amp a little...only reason I say they are lower quality is strictly going off rms rating (which may not be a fair judgment) and why wouldn't I have enough room and the ethos only need 3.5 cubes each..I know if I go with a 4th with the sp4's it will have to be a wall

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I saw a post bigjon made about his subs..and if I remember correctly he said he started to damage three subs so he backed off the amp a little...only reason I say they are lower quality is strictly going off rms rating (which may not be a fair judgment) and why wouldn't I have enough room and the ethos only need 3.5 cubes each..I know if I go with a 4th with the sp4's it will have to be a wall

A pair of 1800w subs on an NS1 >.>

Did you also take the time to read when he compared them to his previous woofers?

If you can, listen to a set of both before making a decision. Don't get me wrong, I own a FI that I absolutely love :) just trying to help make a well informed decision.

Edited by SpeakerBoy

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What is this going in...

Edited by Antoine'stahoe155+

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You be correct in stating that isn't a fair judgement. Q puts out a great product at a great price (I own an 18" ethos myself) and given clean power it get's plenty loud.  


If I remember correctly bigjon had an ns-1 on 2 ethos 15" wired low throwing a ton of power to them.  I believe he abused them on purpose just to see what they would take.


What kind of vehicle are you putting all of this into?  The more details you provide, the more help you'll get.

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I'm removing the rear seats in my silverado crew cab...and I'll think I should add that I'm not competing..just looking to build something like a daily groundpounder if that makes any sense..I can use more room that the initial 16 subs bout I want to be able to see out my back glass a little

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What orientation are you going with? What kind of tuning are you doing?


I've had my fair chance at using both the ethos and Sp4. Either are good subs to go with. The Sp4's prefer a larger box, while the ethos like a smaller box with a much larger port.

Edited by nadcicle

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^^^What he said...^^^im running my 4ethos 18 in a 16.5 cubes give or take with no problems...

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What orientation are you going with? What kind of tuning are you doing?

I've had my fair chance at using both the ethos and Sp4. Either are good subs to go with. The Sp4's prefer a larger box, while the ethos like a smaller box with a much larger port.

I'm going with subs up port forward..I wanted both firing up but the box designer said it will have cancellation issues..and another reason I want to do subs up is because I want a plexiglass window for three subs..but as far as tuning somewhere between 32-34..how will you compare the sp4 and ethos Edited by loud_impala

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The Ethos gave a strong powerful low with a boomy throated bass while the sp4 gave a tight responsive and also powerful low, but punchy bass. The Sp4 would edge in a slightly pronounced top end while the Ethos powers through lows and definitely satisfies any thirst for bass. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend either for any time of build, but ultimately the choice lies in what you feel your overall build should sound like.

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Seen many people do subs up in a pickup.

Jon purposely fed them bullshit to see what their limits were lol he said he even burped them on the ns-1, one coil each woofer, til they smoked, and when he wired them back correctly, no damage. Accidentally, but the facts are there lol. They aren't chumps =)

Edited by SpeakerBoy

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The biggest things that leaves me skeptical about the sp4's is'the fact that people subs are catching fire and the build time looks like it takes forever. If Q is anywhere in Louisiana hopefully I can go by and get a demo

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There's a lot of things that have to go wrong at one time to set any sub on fire.  The Fi subs aren't built any differently than any other sub and are no more prone to blazing up than anything else.  As for the build times, it's a custom built product that's literally machined from raw materials when you order it.  It's hard to imagine any way to make it faster that wouldn't result in unneeded overhead sitting on the shelves in products that aren't being used that wouldn't result in the prices for the products having to be raised.  It's not ideal from a time standpoint but the way they do it allows them to offer a premium product at below premium prices.  I guarantee if they priced their products the same way a mainstream company does no one would be buying their products.


Q is located near the Hammond/Covington area and if he has the time I'm sure he would be more than happy to demo something for you.

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So the catching fire this is more of a user error than mechanical failure? Hammond is like 40 min. away from me...the owner of tantric is also 40 min away

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So the catching fire this is more of a user error than mechanical failure?


99% of the issues in this hobby are user error. 

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The next ? Is are you on a budget...less money on subs more money on a bigger amp or spend on H/O alts and batts...

Or the other way around more money on subs less on amp and electrical

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I want to stay close within the $1200 range on subs probably about the same range with the amp..but I'm still making a list of those

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You coul spend as much on electrical running 5-7k.

It's not really an option at that power level.

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I have my budget for my electrical also so that's not a factor

Do you have a good front stage?

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