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SQ HDS208 d2 t/s spec anyone?

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I just pick up a HDS208 d2 and i didnt get a spec sheet manual for it.  anyone have it that might be able to share?  On the web site it has some number but no Xmax or Sd number.


Also has anyone built a t-line for this mofo?  




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Not sure what size driver that is, but if you are actually going to build a transmission line just choose a taper ratio and base it off a similar size driver with a similar surround.  You'll have to tune it for flat impedance anyway, so getting the cross-sectional area dead-nuts-on isn't super critical...


Additionally, take any transmission line reviews with a grain of salt on a car audio website.  They are very subjective, and a majority aren't even transmission lines...  They really aren't a great fit for car audio as they are less efficient than standard 4th order vented or band-pass alignments and they tend to be very large...

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T/S Parameters:

* Piston Diameter = 161.9 mm
* f(s)= 44.41 Hz
* R(e)= 1.15 Ohms
* Z(max)= 11.28 Ohms
* Q(ms)= 5.785
* Q(es)= 0.660
* Q(ts)= 0.592
* V(as)= 4.393 liters     (0.155 cubic feet)
* L(e)= 1.12 mH
* n(0)= 0.06 %
* SPL= 79.55 1W/1m
* M(ms)= 174.10 grams
* C(ms)= 0.07 mm/N
* BL= 9.22

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Those T/S specs don't lend well to a transmission line...

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Those T/S specs don't lend well to a transmission line...

I doubt that was ever a consideration. :(


the whole goal of building something "different" is insane.  So many people pursuing bandpass or tline alignments that don't even understand what makes a standard ported enclosure successful or not it is insane.  Seriously, if you have to ask you have no purpose in building one.  Like zero, nada, nilch.

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