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Tom Adams

How much Neo is in an N3 motor?

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I saw a picture of an N3 motor but I can't figure out how much of the motor is actually neo.  So there are three lobes tot he motor and then there are a few blocks of material per lobe.  The top plate, then two thin pieces side by side, then one big piece, and then the bottom plate.  Is the neo just the thin pieces that have two side by side per lobe or is the block underneath that which is much bigger made of neo also?  How does this compare to other neo woofers out there like the DC or the DD 95z or 99z?

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Are you thinking of building yourself one?

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For comparisons sake just know that the n3 is quite easily in the top 5 of the neo motors in existence. 


In no particular order


There is even an alibaba neo motor that has people scratching their heads right now. A 4" model and a 3" model of it are supposed to be available with talks of group buys to keep cost down.


Personally any of these would be a good choice for motors. All of the subs are built differently and I mean way differently. I'd only consider maybe 2 of these to be a daily musical sub and the rest are pretty much made for throwing watts to. 


1.) DdZ (A few different iterations)

2.) Fi N3

3.) EMF Yolo

4.) DC Neo

5.) TC pro 5100

6.) Red star neo

7.) Fi N2

8.) IA Warden

9.) Illusive B2 audio Neo RS

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So does anyone actually know which part is the neo part and which is just the metal of the top and bottom plate?

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Fi does, email them. Im pretty sure the people who made it know.

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the two rectangular shiny slugs are the NEO part of the motor the metal with heat sink fins is aluminum. I have a N2 and the motor force on that thing is ridiculous. Most Neo motors you see are wayyyy over saturated with magnetic flux. There is a point where motor force becomes too much for the sub.If your looking for a N2 i may sell mine.

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