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Sundown Tooled 18" Frame : Completed

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The tool is done and the very first unit rolled out of the mold yesterday. I will have a sample to play with next week !!!

This one is currently patent pending (our 8, 10, 12, and 15 are already patented) -- ETA for full stock will be Jan-Feb of 2015.

This frame is ~8.3" tall, supports 6" p-p excursion, and up to a 12" spider (also have 10" and 9.25" landings)... it weighs in at 10-11 lbs (I'll weigh it myself when it gets here). I will finally be comfortable making TEAM 18s at that point.

The main bolt pattern is a new, bigger pattern for coils larger than 4" in diameter. For all current designs we have a cast aluminum adapter piece that attaches to the base for a standard 127mm bolt pattern.

All current products will still use a 10" spider and current surround sizes -- future motors that support the additional throw allowed by the basket will move up to the 12" spider landing at that time and will also receive a newly tooled surround to mate up to that (no ETA to announce yet for that).

Anyway... it's been a long time coming; enjoy the photos!










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very nice, its like a work of art

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Some photos mocked up to a TEAM motor along with the bolt pattern adapter in place:





In the future bigger motors will have the bigger 8-bolt pattern on them in addition to the 127mm pattern; so we'll only need to use the adapter on 3" coil motors. But the adapter ensures we can mate this frame up to any of our existing motors on the market.

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Can we expect a sub coming out soon with about 6" excursion?

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Can we expect a sub coming out soon with about 6" excursion?

I wouldn't go as far as saying SOON but I'll be working hard on it smile.png

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