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Anyone Have HP Windows Operating System Install DVD?

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School and work has been kickin my ass so bad I have no time for anything else! lol Sucks I don't have as much time as I did to be on here as I did before.


So my laptop (HP Envy M6) broke last week. I bought a new hard disk drive since that's what was broke on it. Now I need the windows operating system DVD to reinstall windows. It's over $150 that I've seen online and in Walmart. I really don't have the money to be spending like that since I just bought the HDD for $100.


My question is, Does anyone have the installation DVD for windows I could borrow? Doesn't have to be windows 8. I just need something.  I would just need to install it then I can return it. I'll even pay for letting me download it too.



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You can use the serial off of the bottom of your computer to activate it. Did your old hard drive go bad or does it still work?

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Not sure how I could do that. I'm at a black screen that says "Boot Device Not Found" and "Please install an operating system on your hard disk."


I also have the option to do a system diagnostics.



Late last week I turned on my computer and it wouldn't boot. I did a test on it and it came up as "Hard Drive Disk Short DST failed" I took it up to bestbuy and the lady said it failed and I had to get a new one. I just received it and put it in, but now it just says I need an operating system install.

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You can run ubuntu in love mode for free then download a copy of Windows and then boot to that and install it

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I have no idea what that is or means ehh.gif


What is it and how would I get it?

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Live mode*

Download ubuntu

Load image onto a flash drive or disc

Boot from storage device

Run live mode

Download Windows 7

Burn to disc

Boot from disc

Install from disc.

Use key on bottom of laptop to verify copy


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Okk I'll try that! Thanks Julian

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You didn't mention what version of Windows you need.  I can send you a copy of XP, Vista or Win7.  Just let me know which one you need.


As Julian mentioned, you'll need to activate Windows (whichever version it is) by typing in the Product Key off the sticker that SHOULD still be on the bottom of the laptop.


Personally, I would install Ubuntu, or Kubuntu (I like the KDE package better than the GNOME package myself) along with Windows on the same HDD.  That way you have an operating system you can use that is practically completely virus/spyware/malware proof.  Use it for the more questionable stuff (buttlick.gif  lickscreen.gif  boobies.gif bumpin.gif) (LOL) and the Windows install for all the stuff you can't do with a Linux OS.

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Well played sir....well played...




You didn't mention what version of Windows you need.  I can send you a copy of XP, Vista or Win7.  Just let me know which one you need.


As Julian mentioned, you'll need to activate Windows (whichever version it is) by typing in the Product Key off the sticker that SHOULD still be on the bottom of the laptop.


Personally, I would install Ubuntu, or Kubuntu (I like the KDE package better than the GNOME package myself) along with Windows on the same HDD.  That way you have an operating system you can use that is practically completely virus/spyware/malware proof.  Use it for the more questionable stuff (buttlick.gif  lickscreen.gif  boobies.gif bumpin.gif) (LOL) and the Windows install for all the stuff you can't do with a Linux OS.

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